This topic contains 35 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Snowflake Pup Queen 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #843135

    Everyone what is the big deal with signatures and ganz stopping making them? It is a BIG company and you focus on that. I mean really it seems ridiculous. Also with them retiring pets: Everyone does it (company wise like mattel, ty) why complain? Maybe they were sad about doing it as well but they can’t afford it since they have other things to focus on instead of making the signatures. I mean you don’t under stand expense measures. It costs alot to make so they be best to stop. My opinion but I had to get it off my chest, Hope you aren’t mad I don’t intead for this to make you mad but I just wan’t to get it off my chest.-Snow

    1. #843392


      Hi Snowflake! Why would I be mad at you? Oh yah the glitch at your house, that isn’t my fault. I sort of got lost. Where it said you were was not existing. I didn’t know what to do. I really love your rooms, they are very unique. I sent you a piece of deluxe clothing. BTW, I am not deluxe; won it on the spinning wheel (WOW). I would like to invite you over. Sorry I have one more really long post coming. Definitely not mad at you. Are you mad at me? Also please check out my trade list in questions. I would like to see your house again glitch free! Sorry about my opinion. I just want to see a different webkinz plush at target. I like dogs and cats and frogs and realistic stuff better than pink dinosaurs. Well then again I am a teen boy. LOL!-Atom

      • #843508

        XD well you would hate my real live room ( Pink Pink Pink even my Christmas Tree and mini Stocking) Anywho we could definitely meet on webkinz again and also why don’t the make a Blue Spotted Dino. XD heading to your other forum.

    2. #843378

      Thanks atomton I read the tag. I know you love them, I just want to know why create so many forums when it is not going to happen. We all have to support ganz and there decisions. Hope you aren’t mad.

      • #843557


        I didn’t create any forums about this issue. I replied to yours and anothers, but didn’t make one. I know it is not going to happen, and you can still get these on Amazon til the run out. -Atom

    3. #843364


      Once again I support you. This a great forum thanks for creating it. You see I won’t mind the signatures going. I only want orange tabby anyways. Maybe another cute, soft, cool, realistic line will come in. It would combine what we like about sig and regular? Check out my trade list on questions.-Atom

      • #843505

        Awesome Idea I would be happy that way. I guess I am picky. Maybe Derpy

        • #843721


          Not picky Snowflake, we all like different things. I support what you like sometimes and sometimes I just don’t. You are very kind. I am glad we are friends on Webkinz World. And maybe they can make more cheeky animals? They are my favorite of the unrealistic line.-Atom

          • #844041

            Yeah, I love the cheeky pets. Some I really want are: Bubble gum cheeky cat, sugar plum monkey, and cheeky bunny.

      • #843535


        If you put signatures and regulards u can get sigulars XD I had to say that

        • #843723


          Ha Ha HA! Nice one Zebb-Atom

        • #844051

          Great zebby. I would call them: Reitures. Like Swinter and Wummer

    4. #843363


      I understand Snowflake. I sort of get your point here. I do like the realistic ones but also some of the not realistic. Basically there is a webkinz for anyone no matter how old or young. I also like some of the new ones as well. I agree with you signatures are stiff. But Ganz definitely has enough money to have stuffing. Maybe if they retired more of the ones that don’t sell they can add a little fluff into them. I really like the ice terrier, and some of the dogs and cats. I am talking about the Holestein Cow, and Candy Pup which have been stuck on store shelves for a long time. The cow has been on the shelf for over a year now. I can’t wait for something new to come out! I think Mark said that a signature at Tuesday Morning is $10-15. Would you rather have signature or funky cow for the same price? Just saying I would pick another webkinz instead of the cow. I see your point with the stuffing, even the regulars haven’t had enough fluff in them. I guess not enough people are buying Webkinz. I have like 35 loaded and like 7 more in my room and about 6 in my mom’s room to earn and to load. I gave them tons of money. I hope I get signature orange tabby. Then my point will be the same as yours. You know my favorite two new ones are the Choco Cheeky Dog and the Stripy Cheeky Cat. I hope that they come to my target in the next shipment. Sorry about my point. Just upset nothing of the regulars have sold at my target for awhile. I wouldn’t buy all the new ones just some of them. You are not alone on both points. If it were me just the expensive ones ($50+) would be discontined. I really want just the signature orange tabby. That is it. I hope you don’t delete me for liking the signature orange tabby webkinz. LOL!-Atom

    5. #843245


      Hi Snowflake! I just got my first signature for Christmas. Before I got it I was like you, didn’t see the point behind signature. I thought they where just an expensive version of the regular and a way for Ganz to charge more money. I was wrong, you cannot judge a webkinz by it’s look or price. Sometimes when you see it online or in webkinz catelog the webkinz doesn’t look cute or special. You don’t know until you see it in a store or get one as a gift. Signatures cost more money because they are bigger. I have a TY Spotted Leopard Frog who I play as Spot on Webkinz. My Signature, Gold is the same size and just as soft. You may say hard as a rock, not true. Yes sigs are a bit stiffer than the average webkinz, but a lot of the other ones aren’t as cute (Green Dinosaur, Blue Spiky Hippo, Holestien Cow.) for the prize Ganz is asking for. The signatures even though pricy are worth it. They are almost the size of the real animal and have details just like the real. The whiskers are out and not sowed in, the tail is thick, not anorexic looking. They are just plain cute. However I would only want 3. One I have. Signature Orange Tabby, Signature Bull Terrier, and the one I have Bengal Cat. The others are either too expensive or not cute. I get your point, however the whole line is better than the new ones. That is the reason behind slide PSI to try and get people to buy.

      • #843317

        I have seen them and I personally find them cute. But the big turner is that they are stiff. I don’t like that about them neither does my mum. They only one I like is the small seaturtle. Also the new ones are nice. Like I stated: The starting age is for 6 year olds. You have your opinions and I have mine. I love the new ones. I see stuff for cute not really for realistic. I do love the look of signatures but for the price you pay for them you should be able to play with them. Sorry if you dispise what I say just keep in mind it is my opinion

        • #843412


          They are stiff. But with a little TLC they get unstiffened I’m not sure that’s even a word-.- Is agree its kind of out of control with them leaving. Someone made a petition to bring the back! Which is kind of scary considering most webkinz collectors are pre-teens.

          • #843718


            Yep, mine is getting more plush with Tender Loving Care. It has been getting less stiff, and almost softer than my regulars. :)!! I don’t want them to retire them all. Just the ones I don’t want. I just hope I get signature orange tabby so my bengal can have a brother. I love my bengal cat (Gold) a lot. SFPQ, I don’t care what Ganz does as long as they make some more orange cats. Maybe they can make an orange striped tabby for regular? I am open to change, and if they do retire which they will; there is always Tuesday’s Morning and Amazon. I really don’t see the point in everyone getting upset. Most of them are already over $60. I mean i am ready for something new. Just maybe orange tabby, then I really don’t care. Everyone adjust to change, at least they are listening to us now. Maybe they will combine what people like about signatures and regulars and make an even better selection of pets to come!

          • #843733

            Yeah, I would never sign something like that. I know it is a website. I think it is silly like to bring a stuffed animaal back really?

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