This topic contains 35 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Snowflake Pup Queen 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #843135

    Everyone what is the big deal with signatures and ganz stopping making them? It is a BIG company and you focus on that. I mean really it seems ridiculous. Also with them retiring pets: Everyone does it (company wise like mattel, ty) why complain? Maybe they were sad about doing it as well but they can’t afford it since they have other things to focus on instead of making the signatures. I mean you don’t under stand expense measures. It costs alot to make so they be best to stop. My opinion but I had to get it off my chest, Hope you aren’t mad I don’t intead for this to make you mad but I just wan’t to get it off my chest.-Snow

    1. #843946


      I love Yoshi. He is my favorite video game character. I never said your room was bad, I really like it. DF is going to send something that I suggested so check your mailbox. Just like to tell you that the post on my forum didn’t post. I love all your ideas but I think it is very unlikely Ganz will make some of them. The tea room I would love too that is unique and the green room and the book room. I would like to tell you that there is already a cave man room theme, so another would be unlikely. Also Ganz probably won’t make a game room, because it is already a theme (Spree pieces, CSO, and W-shop, and don’t forget POTM). The book room would be wonderful, i love reading. The movie fandom they will say we already have a movie theater but it sounds really cool. They have a sports room theme in the W-shop, Baseball in the Curio, and Retired a Football Theme, Hockey Theme, and Soccer Theme. Maybe they will bring them back? The deskroom would be awesome if you could put stuff on them or in them. And you can make a master bedroom. Am I reading this wrong? Is that the themes you have, suggesting me to make already available, or what you want Ganz to make?-Atom

      • #844014

        You to make. Like with different pieces of furiture. Also mancave just means an awesome hand out to sit back and do what ever.

      • #844018

        Oh and thanks I can’t wait. So if it is from dogfish I will thank both of you.

    2. #843697


      Hi Snowflakepupqueen, I don’t hate pink, i just perfer other webkinz. I am sure your real life room looks really nice! A blue spotted dinosaur would be nice, I think they came out with one recently though that was blue. I would like it to look like Yoshi, I love Yoshi. That is a great idea. I would love to see your rooms again, the ones i saw were amazing! Can you give me suggestions for some of mine. I need help putting some finishing touches on a few rooms. Got ton of blank rooms. I think I bought to many, 200 is hard to fill. LOL!-Atom

      • #843739

        OMG Yoshi dino that would be awesome. I love yoshi for the fact that he is just cute. And my room isn’t bad for a girls room…………………………………… For webkinz rooms how about (some ideas may be girly) a tea room, gaming room, green room, man cave, sports room, book fandom (from your favorite book), Movie fandom (favorite movie), sports room, Deskroom (filled with desks), master bedroom. So many more Ideas but I am to lazy to post them all.

    3. #843418

      I have a question: Was Zebby here?

    4. #843404

      Thanks atomton you are awesome

      • #843534


        You are too. If there is anything on my trade list you need really bad, just tell me. I will make friends a very special offer. But everyone who just friends me for extra stuff won’t get a special deal. Only people who are very nice and value friendships like you, Gold, Jesusismylord, DF, Lamb, HeyitsGlitz, Mark, Mom,etc. I am not going to list my whole friend list. You are awesome too. My favorite of the 3 I saw was your Christmas Outside one. I wish I had an extra Christmas Fountain to give you. Let’s see what Atomton can do. You know I just felt some of the regular’s I bought a Wallgreens about a couple of weeks ago, they are stiffer than my sig! What is happening? I bet your right, Ganz is running out of money. But they shouldn’t, I guess not many more people are paying the $50 deluxe charge or buying as many new pets. I started this year with like 15. I adopted 20 so far this year. They get tons of money from me!-Atom

        • #844046

          I have two outdoor Christmas ones I love the fountain. I would love another one for my shopping plaza

    5. #843398


      You can’t really judge a signature until you see it in person I have a few signatures and they are not nearly as cute in pictures as in person. They are stiffer then the regular webkinz but they are not rock hard or anything. Actually their fur is a lot softer then the regular webkinz, they are bigger and have TONS more detail. I mean I understand that Ganz had to stop making them but some people really love them so its really hard for them to except that they will no longer be made….. I mean no offense but I really think you can’t judge something until you actually see it in person…. Again no offense but I just had to give my opinion!!

      • #843507

        Your fine but the real question is: Why are people complaining to ganz instead of supporting them. I mean you can’t be on their side one minute and then against them the next minute. You knoww what I mean. And I have seen them in real life they are super stiff.

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