Solving Clothing Machine Recipes

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Solving Clothing Machine Recipes

This topic contains 60 replies, has 33 voices, and was last updated by  Sunflower4Him 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #654955


    I think thw Wild Watermelon Shirt has the Red Tee and the Wingtip Shoes. It might also have glasses. So far I’ve tried:
    Red Tee + Wingtip Shoes + Dark Shades = PW
    Red Tee + Wingtip Shoes + White Hollywood Glasses = PW
    Red Tee + Wingtip Shoes + Heart Glasses = PW
    Red Tee + Wingtip Shoes + Eyeglasses = PW
    Red Tee + Wingtip Shoes + Eye Patch = PW

    I might have gotten some of the names wrong XD
    But oh well.

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    1. #737114


      Plumpy said that there are rainboots. and I think the red t shirt is somewhere.

      • #737365


        The recipe for the wild watermelon shirt is the ballerina leotard top, summer fun swimsuit top, and emerald polka dot rain boots. Enjoy! :)

    2. #660501


      dogebreath wrote on 2012-08-24 at 01:53 PM

      I FOUND THE WWS SHIRT WHILE TRADING YESTERDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I didn’t sovle it and I was trading in regular so I couldn’t ask. But someone has solved it wether or no they know what they sloved is beyond me. I am not trading mine for anyone who reads this and wonders but in case you were wondering the shirt has been found by someone. I wasted lots of money trying stuff that didn’t work. Hope you guys solve it soon!!!!!!

      RElax dogebreath u are posting that every where u find how to do clothing machine recipe i think everyone knows that now.

    3. #660071


      Oh gosh i ment to say we should become friends and that’s why I gave you my user:)

    4. #659996

      Icemoon wrote on 2012-08-20 at 07:37 PM

      I think thw Wild Watermelon Shirt has the Red Tee and the Wingtip Shoes. It might also have glasses. So far I’ve tried:
      Red Tee + Wingtip Shoes + Dark Shades = PW
      Red Tee + Wingtip Shoes + White Hollywood Glasses = PW
      Red Tee + Wingtip Shoes + Heart Glasses = PW
      Red Tee + Wingtip Shoes + Eyeglasses = PW
      Red Tee + Wingtip Shoes + Eye Patch = PW
      I might have gotten some of the names wrong XD
      But oh well.
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      did you try the europe flare glasses

    5. #659947


      Can you give us the recipes?I’m sure everyone wants to know!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks! O by the way,my user is brittfreek,since we both love solving recipes.

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