starlight head wreaths for FREE

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives starlight head wreaths for FREE

This topic contains 20 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  horse121 11 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #738499

    If you are in need of a starlight head wreath, you are in the right place. I have 3 that i don’t need. The first three people to comment will get a head wreath. Here is what I need to know; If you want to comment, leave me your Webkinz username so i can send the wreath. Also if you are in need of anything else, LMK. If I have it I will lend it to you. I don’t need anything in return unless you have something you don’t want that I might use. Also LMK if you have anything of the sort. Not one of the first three people? That’s OK! I am always looking for the floaty clicky. I am always updating this forum.

    1. #738832

      I would like one. My Un is spikeythornedroses

    2. #739175

      ccanimals and horse 121 are the first 2 people to get some! there are two more left so comment quick! remember to keep checking back for updates! Horse121 comment your webkinz username if you want one!

    3. #738889

      Hey everyone its me! I have good news. I got another starlight head wreath so 4th person you are in luck! I will still be looking for them so hang tight 5+ commenters! If you want the sandals or the dress I will let you know when or if I get them. (lol i have been only getting those head wreaths) -Hannahsurfergirl12233

    4. #739025


      are there any left????? if so i’d like one! : ) ***horse121****

    5. #738588


      Hi hannah, what is this wreath? I have never heard of it. If you still need lamps, just send a friend request to clo91,92 ,93 and I’ll send you some , nothing needed in return. TTYL DF

      • #738768


        @dogfish BFF, the wreath is the headband you get when you click on the floating book (like the dress and shoes). It’s called Starlight Head Wreath. TTYL Darian

        • #738785


          Hi bff, if you are here to tell me I have a ton of these, LOL I just found out what it is. So, what is this umbrella, it’s not the Easter prize, is it? Guess what? There is a new tradeable estore dress. LOL TTYS DF

          • #738931


            @dogfish Hi, if you’re talking about the spring umbrella wall hanging then that’s an Easter prize. I don’t know what umbrella you’re referring to though LOL. Yes, I love the dress, I could eat it if it was real. Too bad it’s not. TTYS Darian

        • #738930


          am I the only person who NEVER has a floating book? I see the floating hat, yesterday there was a floating ribbon, but I’ve never ever seen a floating book!!!!! ???

          • #739241


            Hi princess, I have some of that stuff, and will send you all three next time I log on, NP, TTYL DF

            • #739480


              TYVM @dogfish!!! I’m still curious why I don’t get the floating book, but I’m not good at catching floaty-clickies anyways (I recently hurt my shoulder really badly) so I really appreciate it!! :)

      • #738972


        Actually I just looked in my dock, and found out i have this wreath! Sorry!

      • #738971


        Hi, Awe, thats so sweet of you to give stuff for free, not many people do that! If you would like anything in return, just let me know. My webkinz user is cctransformers

      • #738843


        sorry this is hannahsurfergirl12233 i am on my sisters account well LMK

      • #738842


        Hi! The starlight head wreath is one of those things from “Stallion by Starlight” the floaty clicky event going on in webkinz. I have three that i dont need and thanks! yes i do need those lamps thanks :)

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