starlight head wreaths for FREE

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives starlight head wreaths for FREE

This topic contains 20 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  horse121 11 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #738499

    If you are in need of a starlight head wreath, you are in the right place. I have 3 that i don’t need. The first three people to comment will get a head wreath. Here is what I need to know; If you want to comment, leave me your Webkinz username so i can send the wreath. Also if you are in need of anything else, LMK. If I have it I will lend it to you. I don’t need anything in return unless you have something you don’t want that I might use. Also LMK if you have anything of the sort. Not one of the first three people? That’s OK! I am always looking for the floaty clicky. I am always updating this forum.

    1. #740090


      hannahsurfergirl: are you Gidgit43? ***horse121****

      • #854466

        Hi! Yes, it is. Sorry I haven’t been on in a while, plus I sadly don’t have any left. :( I’m sorry ~Hannah

    2. #739653


      hannahsurfergirl: Godisgood2me is my un. thanks! ***horse121****

    3. #739692

      OK so janeneongreen Gets the THIRD starlight head wreath i sent a request!

    4. #739606

      OK lucky winner number three!: janeneongreen!

    5. #739605


      Hi hannah, I have extras of the dress and shoes if you’d like a pair since you said you’re only getting the head wreaths. Let me know, thanks!

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