Suggestion For New Signature Pets

Home Forums Suggestions – Archives Suggestion For New Signature Pets

This topic contains 10 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  sssvert8 11 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #793896


    I love the signature pets, but haven’t seen one that I love. So I decided to make this board to give my opinion and others on the next pets that should be made. I keep hoping for a Rough Collie Signature pet. It has been a while since a collie was made, and the regular collie is retired so I can no longer get it. This is my hope for the next Signature. What’s yours?

    1. #812674


      signature rattlesnake, anaconda, American albino, pinto horse, platypus, border collie, bobcat, coral snake, bearded dragon, poodle, Doberman.

    2. #812668


      a signature rattlesnake, anaconda, American albino, pinto horse, platypus, love puppy, domino cat, black wolf.>>retydg

    3. #812291


      My suggestions: Akita, Lipizanner, Black Mamba

    4. #811835

      A signature dalmatian would be really cool. :D But I wish the signatures were not retiring… :(

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