Home Forums Tips and Tricks – Archives THE BEST OUTFIT SHOP EVER!!!

This topic contains 23 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  abislu1 11 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #735122


    Just tell me the pet,whether its a boy or girl,its style (example:likes sparkles) and its buget.I GARENTEE great results of your kinzcash back ;)

    1. #736260

      my pet is a girl persian cat i named power puff.She is a girl.She is deluxe and can get stuff from the estore but she only has 1000 estore she will get more in a month. She also is a very talented swimmer and loves to swim in her icy ocean bathtub and she always swims when she has a friend come over to her webkinz house.She likes trendy but sporty cothes.thx for watermelon shirt recipe!!!!!i posted it because i was so happy

    2. #736254


      I didnt solve it.One of my BFFs ,Narnain, solved it.But Janeneongreen took all the credit :(. Well glad u liked the outfit! :D :D :D

    3. #735971


      Anybody else need an outfit?

    4. #735815


      Ok heres an outfit that I know you will love. Wild water melon shirt (Ballerina leatord top,summer fun swimsuit top, and emarald polka dot rain boots) ruffled skirt,floppy sun hat and fluoresent flip flops.Your total kinzcash spent is 450. Tell me if u need a redo! :D

      • #736209

        Awesome outfit!!! And WOAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! That’s been solved? Did you figure it out??!?!?! Thats totally awesome!!! THanks so much!

    5. #735745

      Hey!!!! Ok so my order is for a girl rainbow puppy named Rainbow Sherbert!!!! She is super artistic and wants a lot of creavtivity in her outfit! And for my budget…. hmmm well I don’t really have a budget so just whatever looks good. Thanks I know you’ll do great!tyedyeducktape

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