The disagreement about signatures!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives The disagreement about signatures!

This topic contains 7 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  designergirl101 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #843778


    Hi! I know that drama has started because people disagree about the signatures! Some people say that they are really upset about the signatures being retired ( VERY UNDERSTANDABLE ) and some think its best that they retire. Well here is my point If Ganz wants to retire the signature then there is a good reason and we just have to live with that! Emailing and calling Ganz will not help it will just make things harder for them. We also have to remember that the signatures cost a lot of money and a lot of people can’t afford them. Thats most likely why they are retiring them. So why fight anymore? Its not doing anyone any good. LETS JUST SHAKE HANDS AND BE FRIENDS AGAIN!

    1. #844462


    2. #844452


      ‘ Tries to shake Snowflake’s hand ‘ Hmm….. not working the way I had hoped! LOL

      • #844855

        XD well I should try again *tries to go through computer* It won’t work. Do you have a rock that might work *looks at paper weight thats a rock* hmmm *evil smirk* Just kidding

    3. #844450


      I agree with you Atomton!

    4. #844048

      Okay so how do we shake hand over computer cause I think there is some kinda sheild. Sorry if I ever affended anyone. *Attemps to shake hand thru computer* Darn You Technology

    5. #844011


      Agreed kbk100. You said that wonderfully. There have been to many forums about Boo Hoo the Signatures are leaving. Yes they are expensive. They are still nice if you get one as a gift or if you see one on sale though. I am looking forward to a new line to come out and a combination of what we like in sigs and regulars. Please everyone stop making forums about this. The signatures are ready to go through the door way, and not coming back later it is good-bye. Lyrics from Ready by Britt Nicole.-Atom

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