the Kinville Spa!

Home Forums Tips and Tricks – Archives the Kinville Spa!

This topic contains 27 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  hlhf5 11 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #754209


    Welcome to the kinzville spa! you can go to the hot tub, get manis and pedis and massages! Ill need to friend you so tell me your username (mine is the same) and tell me a time. ill see if I can make it (im very busy). if you also want to do tips (optional) I except coupons! My workers are Cute (works at desk is a deer) and snowball (takes care of anything else) and she is a snowman. I would LOVE some more help. tell me if you want to help and you will get the job! I will tell you when I will need you (ok if you cant make it) and then you will come to work at my spa! I hope to see you there! (ps if you want you can delete me after).

    1. #757029


      what do you mean?????

    2. #757002


      Hmmmm I’ll make one right now!

    3. #756860


      ok but its after the fourth sorry! can you do it next week on sunday 12 noon? (19) and ill add you my username is hlhf5. same as mine here. lol. see you there! tell me if you want the full package, (everything) or if you want some thing else. we have manicures pedicures massages and a hot tub. we also have games while you wait. we also have a tv. bye see you on sunday the 19! (by 12 noon I mean webkinz time.)

    4. #755917


      I’ll Do it! I can on the fourth, but it has to be after two….. Add Me: boompa8

    5. #756005


      anyone wanna come to my spa

      • #758562


        IF YOU WANT TO COME TO MY SPA READ THIS! you need to tell me what you would like to do at my spa. we have manicures and pedicures, a hot tub, and a massaging place. you need to tell me which ones you would like. also I would love some more help! if you would like to help me, just tell me! also if you DO work here, your uniform is a green polo shirt. also, about once a month I will have a party at my spa! I can only have 8 people come and my sister would probably come so the first seven people who answer me back get to come! I probably need about 3 helpers to help me, (the helpers are automatically invited unless you don’t want to come). so my next party will be probably sometime this weekend, may 26. so if you answer me you are invited! (first seven people).  the party is to celebrate a month of success at my spa. I would really appreciate it if you came. also if you want to come to my spa sometime, you will have to say when you can come.  bye! thanks for coming!!!! :)

        • #758791


          Hey I just read this and I would LOVE to come to your spa!! My pet, Bri, needs the full treatment. So I’d like to order… about everything :D It’s ok if it’s too much for you, but Bri and I really need to get away. Please respond ASAP!! By the way my username is palwprint

          • #758910


            thank you! and it isn’t to much! I love having a spa, so bri can have anything there! I will add you in a little look for hlhf5 wants to add you! :) tell me a good time for it, and I will see if that will work! so sorry if it confuses you about the spa room, but first I will take you to the chairs to get your pet a manicure and pedicure! then I will take you to a couch by the tv, for your massage! then you can stay in the hot tub for as long as you would like! also tell me if you want to come to the party thing that I put on the thingy. also tell me you like to help out! thank you for coming!

      • #760509


        i would my pet princess needs time to get away from designing clothing she needs the full treatment oh and she is pink pony and my user name is emmawhi03

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