Home Forums Tips and Tricks – Archives THE NEON TUTU MUST BE SOLVED!!!

This topic contains 199 replies, has 95 voices, and was last updated by  KristenS 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #92135


    <p>Lets solve the neon tutu! Post your fails and that will get us closer to solving it! Fluorescent Flip Flops+Ballerina Tights+Ruffled Skirt=Patchwork

    1. #769092


      Hi I’v been trying for some time and still not been able to figure it out, I have found the hint (blast form the past) in a old Plumpy Advice Page in W.W. it is in October just hit the back button until you get to October hope this help.

      • #769846


        Markg97 here, Update I got the wrong date it is in November 2, 2011 but it does have the “hint” in it.

    2. #769087


      I was thinking maybe retro rainbow belt and black vest, and then something weird unexpected. I thought the rainbow belt b/c retro = old/vintage so yeah….. I hope this kinda helped

    3. #768538

      The mystery clothing recipes made in the regular kinzstyle outlet machine use ONLY ITEMS AVAILABLE THERE. Sorry you spent time and money using the wig, but it wouldn’t be in it, because it isn’t readily available. Also, no item that has arrived at the outlet, since the tutu was introduced, will be in it. Likewise, if clothing items, that are in an unsolved recipe are retired, Ganz changes the required items in that recipe, to include newer items.

      • #768913

        I was aware that it only used the items available, but knew that the wig USED to be… at least, so I was told. :) I was unaware that the recipe would change if the items had been retired… I know that some of the solved recipes still use some items that are retired. (Does that mean that there is more than one solution to the item then? Because I had made the recipes with the ‘old’ items, and it still works. Or is it only unsolved recipes that get the recipe change? Just curious, if you happen to know.)

      • #781380


        Can you make a list of the items that have come out since the recipe was introduced so that when I work on this I do not buy things that should not be in the recipe? That would be super nice of you! Thanks crissy135

    4. #767904

      I think that the “Funky Neon Wig” is in there somewhere… But I tried the FNW + FFF + Black Vest and got PW. Same for the FNW + Black Vest + Ballerina tights, and the FNW + BV + Ballerina top. :P

    5. #767903

      So I tried the Funky Neon Wig +FFF + Black Vest = PW ; ditto for the Funky…Wig + Black Vest and the Ruffled skirt ; Ditto as well for the Wig + Vest + Ballerina Top, as well as the Wig + Vest + Tights. Sigh.

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