the webkinz cool club!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives the webkinz cool club!

This topic contains 13 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  mollyberger 11 years, 2 months ago.

  • Author
  • #842725


    hi and welcome to the club! in this club we discuss all things webkinz ! we can chat about the newest plumpys place, ask each other questions , discuss anything! it is the ultimate place to chat with friends ! to join you just need to friend me on webkinzs! my username is mollyberger on webkinz. please post what your username is so i know which name is you on my friends list. so come join !

    1. #865922

      I would love to join. My username is ericafuncub25. I am on Webkinz during Mon through Thurs sometimes and I am always on Friday nights and weekends and I am not Deluxe.

    2. #852147


      I also said that in your have any questions just so you know

    3. #851826


      molly do you know where to get marsh mellow seeds and banana spilt seeds and caramel apple seeds where do you get them

      • #852035


        I got the marshmellow ones from a quest and the others I have no idea.

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