***TRADERS 2***

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives ***TRADERS 2***

This topic contains 1,399 replies, has 72 voices, and was last updated by  BabyMinkey 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #700140

    Hey everyone.  I have created ***TRADERS 2*** so that we can continue to trade.

    1. #712229


      Hey guys I’m back. Fixed computer. I’ll post a have list soon….. ~KC

    2. #712195

      Rooster Roadster (Rockabelly Rooster)
      Fortune Tellers Table (Sig Persian Cat)
      Rock Ledge Bed (Bengal Tiger)
      Heated Hound Hot Tub (Portuguese Water Dog)
      Boom Box Bed (Rockerz Bunny PSI)
      Juniper Tree Hammock (Endangered Lynx)
      Arctic Ice Spa (Endangered Polar Bear)
      Soda Can Fridge (Purple Soda Pup)
      Hibernation Hut (Sig Grizzly Bear)
      Bubbly Blue Bathtub (Trigger Fish)
      Country Banjo Stage (Rockerz Horse PSI)
      Puppy Patrol Car (German Shepard)
      Ferris Wheel Lamp (Carousel Horse)
      Back Yard Bubble Maker (Patchy Puppy)
      Candy Cane Seeds (Peppermint Puppy)
      Ossilily Seeds (Collie)

    3. #712194

      PSI (1 of 2)
      Blue Moon Lagoon (NVVVGO)
      Snowy Campsite (Snow Fawn)
      Daisy Driver (Daisy Tortoise) NGO
      Handbag Bed (Sig Yorkie) NGO
      Counting Sheep Machine (Sheep)
      Marshmallow Seeds (Marshmallow Bunny)
      Candy Counter Fridge (Candy Leopard)
      Northern Research Igloo (Sig Husky) NGO
      Endangered Island Getaway (Sig Endangered Red Wolf) NGO
      Fire Sign Carousel (Zodiac PSI)
      Spot of Tea Slide (Sig Spot Bunny)
      Sky High Shower (Sig Giraffe)
      Reggae DJ Booth (Rockerz Reggae Dog)
      Lap It Up Pool (Yellow Lab) (retired)
      Little Lamb Bed (Lamb) (seasonal?)
      Strawberry Bubble Bath (Strawberry Cow) (maybe)
      Cream Soda Sprinkler (Cream Soda Pup?)
      Lemonade Stand (Citrus Dragon)
      Beachside Gazebo (Tropical Puppy) NGO
      Curbside Cuisine Fridge (Raccoon)
      Komrade Couch (Black Wolf)
      Lucky Horseshoe Fireplace (Clydesdale)
      Under Water Archway (Pisces Fish)
      Snow Globe Chair (Snowflake Puppy?)
      Cotton Candy Closet (Cotton Candy Puppy)
      Sunny Siesta Sofa (Iguana)

    4. #712160

      LADY- I’m looking for a Super Fluffy Sofa for you…So mad at myself for trading my extra recently!! I’ll do the best I can. :) Thanks.

    5. #712159

      ALL- Does anyone happen to know when the new SPREE! prizes will appear in the Kinzville Mall? I was so excited to get there today, only to find out they weren’t there yet LOL. I was thinking they might be there after the update on the 20th?

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