***TRADERS 2***

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives ***TRADERS 2***

This topic contains 1,399 replies, has 72 voices, and was last updated by  BabyMinkey 11 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #700140

    Hey everyone.  I have created ***TRADERS 2*** so that we can continue to trade.

    1. #713511


      FROG just saw your post, sent my end of our trade out. Thanks so much for another great trade.

    2. #713378


      I need a Collasall Movie Theater Screen! Plz let me no if you have this for trade!!!!!!

    3. #713372


      Hey peoples!!!! does anyone have the love spaniel psi, glittering gold dress, rockerz cat psi or the mermonkey artifact??? if you have those just make a small list of what you want for them.. xtrex i have the ms cowline holiday plush and the sig sofa what do you have? ~Narnian100~

      • #713490


        Narnian – If you mean the Shimmering Gold Dress I have one of those and would trade it for the sig sofa. I don’t have the other things you are looking for. Is there anything else you might be interested in for the plush?

        • #713585


          Well xtrex that trade sounds great!!! I cant trade the ms cowline plush now but I will keep it on hold for you.. do you want to trade the glittering gold dress for the sig sofa? just add me and I will send the sofa to you first:) my user is Narnian100.

          • #714064


            Hey xtrex i sent my end:) i havent got yours yet.. so plz send the dress:) ~Narnian100~

    4. #713340


      FROGS— well… i have the pop art carrots from the loony toons thing a while ago, one of the celebrate spring teapots, one of the spring celebration egg candles, one of the ms. birdy posters, one of those gold decorative microphones, one pair of zangoz slippers, one of the wacky zingoz plushies, one of the ms. cowaline plushies, one of the pj collie plushies, one of the nakamas bracelets, one of the blue zircon gem lamps, one of the lavander love letters, one of the amethyst birthstone gem lamps. see anything youre willing to trade the table for? ***horse121****

    5. #713336


      I NEED the corn husk doll! I have retired cocoa basket bed and 2008 purple Xmas tree.REALLY need it!!!!!!!

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