***TRADERS 2***

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives ***TRADERS 2***

This topic contains 1,399 replies, has 72 voices, and was last updated by  BabyMinkey 11 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #700140

    Hey everyone.  I have created ***TRADERS 2*** so that we can continue to trade.

    1. #714042

      LADY- Was wondering if you still need at least one Super Fluffy Sofa? I think I tracked one down, but just want to make sure before I make a trade for it. LMK, thanks!

    2. #714025


      XTREX – I really like Psi… But I don’t kow what they are worth. Maybe you could just suggest an offer?

    3. #714024


      Sorry I left abruptly! :) AILUROPODA – Two. (virtual. No real ones, YET. :( ) They are soooo cute!!! :D

    4. #713778

      Alright For Clothes I have~ Polished Ice Dress, Green Cat Ear Toque, Fred Rover’s Blazer, Ms. Birdy’s Pink Blazer, Amanda Panda’s Dress, Rockin’ Reindeer Sweater, Koala Holiday Hat, Zango slippers. For PSI I have, Yarn Ball sofa, Leaping Dolphin Fountain, and Songbird Stereo. For Valued/exclusive I have Ms. Cowiline Reading Chair, Fluffington’s Antique Armchair, and Dress Rehearsal Costume Rack. Toys~ Poncho, Persephone, BFF Plush toys. Others~ (Amythest, Peridot, and Garnet) Birthstone Lamps, PJ Framed Poster, Sheldon’s SurfBoard, Whimsy Dragon Poster, Elf Patrol Communicator, Sweet Superstar Mic. LMK if interested in anything.

    5. #713747


      Ferret, no need to send anything more, glad Fred is enjoying it … how many ferrets do you have?

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