***TRADERS 2***

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives ***TRADERS 2***

This topic contains 1,399 replies, has 72 voices, and was last updated by  BabyMinkey 11 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #700140

    Hey everyone.  I have created ***TRADERS 2*** so that we can continue to trade.

    1. #702328


      T_T – Glad I could help. Sorry that I don’t have any of your wants :-(
      Lady – Sorry that I got you hooked! That trade sounds good to me. Hope you aren’t buried in snow!

      • #702336


        Xtrex Great, let me get logged into nana and I will get my end out.

    2. #702314


      Hello Everyone

      Pony (Rockerz Poodle Outfit/Celestail Swing)
      Definitely will do one of the above for the Daydreamers window) and would do
      the other for the Chicks psi if that is OK with you, let me know. I already have the
      gold leaf table, looking for the green one.

      Alice (Diamond Piano)
      Why don’t you let me know what you do
      have for the piano and the trampoline?

      CATDY Hi there, is it the Dog Bone Sofa from the
      e-store that came with the points purchase? If so I
      would gladly do the Levitating seat as the diamond piano is
      already spoken for. Let me know.

      Cheynne Oh, you have the green one (not the gold leaf right?)
      would definitely do for the fountain. let me know.

      Xtrex Hi there, you enjoying the snow? Fortunately I
      have another extra Levitating Loveseat so I can definitely
      do a trade, I would settle for the pantry and a glam bag if
      you wouldn’t mind, you got me hooked
      on those bags, lol, now i am anxious to get the room
      progressed. let me know if this works.

      If I missed anyone please let me know.

      • #702326


        Hey lady trader I have the day dreamers window do you want it cuz I would definitley trade it for the rockerz poodle outfit:)~Narnian100~

        • #702334


          Narnian Hi there, the Rockerz Poodle out fit is spoken for as I am in the midst of a trade with ponyprincess. If you see something else of interest for the window please let me know as I wouldn’t mind another of it. thus far the following are spoken for: levitating loveseat, Rockerz outfit, diamond piano, bagpipers trampoine and Celestial Swing. Are you new by the way? If so Welcome to the new Traders thread started by our great friend Frog!

          • #702349


            I am not new to webkinz but i am to this:) do you have a lava lamp? i would trade the daydreamers window for it..

    3. #702288


      Lady – I am interested in your Levitating Loveseat. I have estore points, Glam bags and enough moonberries to get you either the pantry or the greenhouse.

      • #702312


        Hi xtrex! Great to see you here today, too! Thank you so much for sending those friend requests to Kitty, it really helped me out that night to move forward. :)

    4. #702265


      PONY – Thank you for sending the friend request! :)
      FF – Thank you so much for the pumpkin pie! I hope you like the pink gumball. :)
      BL – Would you please send friend requests from your accounts to Kitty135700? I have been doing the challenges from scratch. AGAIN! LOL

    5. #702263


      Hey everyone I need the three items super bad. i need Plumpys writing desk chair. the purple mona loa lava lamp. and the shimmering gold dress and I have a ton of stuff i can trade for it so just ask me what you want for it. Thanks!! ~Narnian100~

      • #702285


        Welcome to TRADERS 2! I have Plumpy’s desk chair and possibly the gold dress but will have to check to be sure. I am looking for these items:
        ~ODDS & ENDS~
        City Hall Head Chair
        Curio Shop Wallpaper
        Adventure Park Weather Vane
        Bean Stalk Basket
        Bean Stalk Planter
        Blue Crystal Paper Weight
        Cloudy Scroll Display
        Framed Fiery Dragon Scale
        Shipwreck in a Bottle
        Crystal Treasure
        Ethereal Throne
        Tropical Island Treasure Chest
        Mermonkey Artifact
        Ghost’s Gold Doubloon

        Webkinz Pet Coat
        Pink Webkinz Hoody
        Blue Floral Dress
        Baby Blue Skirt
        Webkinz Sports Top
        Snowboarding Toque

        Fizzy Soda
        Premium Organic Juice

        • #702325


          I am sorry I have a couple of those items but dont want to trade them. wWould you take one of these instead?Poncho stuffed animal.Viscountess bed.Wondrous wall chandalair.Nafarias potted vine.Fluffingtons marble bust.Hand carved lion statue.Goobers lab trophy. World class soccar ball.~Narnian100~

          • #702337


            I just checked and currently do not have a gold dress for trade, sorry. I have a silver dress but would like to use it towards 1-2 of my Kinzstyle wants. I can trade Plumpy’s desk chair for the Wondrous Wall Chandelier. Would you like to meet in a TR or send via KP?

            • #702348


              kinz post thanks thats just wonderfull!!

            • #702350


              my user is Narnian100 do you want me to send my item first?

          • #702363


            Sure, that would be great. I am logging in now and will send the request. My UN starts with Pix so you know it is from me. I will send the chair back as soon as I receive the chandelier. Thanks! :)

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