***TRADERS 2***

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives ***TRADERS 2***

This topic contains 1,399 replies, has 72 voices, and was last updated by  BabyMinkey 11 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #700140

    Hey everyone.  I have created ***TRADERS 2*** so that we can continue to trade.

    1. #702380


      Hey everyone! anyone want to start a trade? I miss being connected and would like to start one! LMK what you are all looking for! ~HrsGrl

      • #702384


        Hi Hrsgrl! Glad you signed your old name or I wouldn’t have known it was you, lol. Do you happen to have the City Hall Head Chair or Curio Shop Wallpaper from the friends app? I really need the red and gold chair for a room.

        • #702400


          Hey Twinks! I am Glad too lol some People seem not to Like My Main name :( lol! No sorry I don’t have any of those items :( But I will Let you know if I come across any of them! ~HrsGrl

    2. #702372

      Hey everyone! I was wondering if anyone would be willing to trade me some estore points, I gave up is Plus after I got tricked twice. I have some estore PSI and will trade for any amount of points, thanks! DQ00

    3. #702362


      Alice Hi there, would you do the Orchid bathtub for the piano? and what regular psi do you have for the trampoline?

    4. #702358

      LADY- I did forget that I do have some Estore points if nothing on my list serves to peak your interest. Here are some things I can offer-
      2010 Tour Van
      Gold Leaf Armoire
      Seashell Shoes
      Emerald Eye Pyramid
      Orchid Bathtub (Estore)
      Sleeping Dragon Bed
      Endangered Island Getaway (End. Sig)
      Pizza Party Perch (Estore)
      Truck of Terror (Estore)
      Puppy Patrol Command Station (Sig.)
      Emerald Gemster
      Aquaritarium (Zodiac Estore)
      I can provide a broader list if you’d like. Was trying to provide some choicer items. LMK, thank you!

    5. #702347


      Xtrex all set on my end, thank you so much for another great trade!

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