***TRADERS 2***

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives ***TRADERS 2***

This topic contains 1,399 replies, has 72 voices, and was last updated by  BabyMinkey 11 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #700140

    Hey everyone.  I have created ***TRADERS 2*** so that we can continue to trade.

    1. #726581


      Hi Alice! I Liked the autumn pawprint window, But I’d like to See what Catdy says before we decide anything, if thats Okay

    2. #726518


      Hi Narnian, No, I was hoping to get Signature or estore so I don’t especially want to do it for a regular Psi and Something small. I can understand that you don’t want to trade the couch for anything else, Its fine. So Sorry about this and Good luck!

      • #726547


        Ok thats fine I really love my couch so I am glad to keep it,would you by any chance have the City Chic Top or Pants?? I realllyyy need those:)

    3. #726496

      FERERET- No problem! Here’s a quick list, LMK if anything appeals to you! PSI: Northern Nights Bed
      Lizard Lounge Chair
      Songbird Stereo
      Underpass Hideaway
      Goggles Scrying Pond
      Autumn Paw Print Window
      King of the Jungle Throne
      Queen of the Jungle Throne
      Poco Fiesta Throne
      Milk Carton Fridge
      Racetrack Treadmill
      Wallowing Tub
      Wilds of the Jungle Sofa
      Tie Dye Kaleidoscope
      Yarn Ball Sofa
      Culinary Cat Counter
      Pink & White Scratching Post Chair
      Rabbit Eared Television
      Jungle Gym Chair
      Spiral Pink Rose Bushes

    4. #726464

      Has anyone seen Kitkat or Jewels around? If not do you know a spot were they could be? I’m doing trades with them but they haven’t told me anything yet.

    5. #726428


      Hi Alice! I didn’t see your post, Sorry!! What psi do you have? PLMK, Thanks! NARNIAN – I like your Froofroo fox Psi, but I was hoping to get Signature or Estore for it. Do you have any? If not, was there anything else you saw you would take for the Couch? LMK, Thanks! Bye guys, I should be on later!

      • #726465


        Hey FF I dont have any sig or estore, I really love my couch so i wont trade it for anything else, but I could throw in some other small item for the Peacefull plains piano are you looking for anything in particular?? I have Plumpy plush toy,Cruisin Deck chair,Gold leaf armoire,Lovely Garden Mosiac,Carrot fridge,Antique wishing well,Allysa house lamp,Nafaria house lamp,Green stage light,emerald treasure chest,silver treasure chest, if you want one or two of those along with the froofroo fox psi just add Narnian100. And i would prefer to send.

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