***TRADERS 2***

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives ***TRADERS 2***

This topic contains 1,399 replies, has 72 voices, and was last updated by  BabyMinkey 11 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #700140

    Hey everyone.  I have created ***TRADERS 2*** so that we can continue to trade.

    1. #728763


      Just wondering if anyone here needed the Burger Outfit, WZ Jeans or the Pegasus PSI. I’m mostly looking for Melody Hat or Rockerz Papillion dress and shades, but would love to see offers (:

    2. #728228


      Okay, I figured out when I’m leaving and coming back… I will be leaving tommorow  Toodles! ~KC

    3. #727848

      MTT- Glad to hear you got the items you needed. LMK if there is anything you think of you’d like, would be happy to get it for you! Thanks for being a wonderful friend(:

    4. #727841

      FF- Thanks for the trade! I sent over a little something, didn’t see your post until now, sorry about that. Thanks again(:

    5. #727688


      Hi Wacky Dogfish sent me my two wishes today so I don’t need the bed or toque anymore. Thanks for looking out for me though. Friends like you are so special.

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