***TRADERS 2***

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives ***TRADERS 2***

This topic contains 1,399 replies, has 72 voices, and was last updated by  BabyMinkey 11 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #700140

    Hey everyone.  I have created ***TRADERS 2*** so that we can continue to trade.

    1. #702401


      Hey guys I have the little lamb bed PSI if anyone wants to trade. PS since everyone but me has a nickname you guys can call my AB for short!

    2. #702402


      LADY – If notalready called for, I’m extremely interested in your badger hill, and maybe the purple flower seat. I believe I have the curbside cuisine fridge, would you consider that for the badger hill as both of them are regular Psi? If not, I do have other Psi to offer. PLMK, Thank you!!

      • #702421


        ferret the badger hill is available and i would take the curbside fridge for it for sure. the flower seat is spoken for. let me know if you are good with the hill for fridge. thanks

    3. #702406


      Lady, Here are the Items I am interested in, Not sure if they are already spoken for, so Please let me know if they are! I put stars next to the ones I Like the Most :)
      *Purple Satin Flower Seat
      **Diamond Piano
      ***Levitating Loveseat
      Blue Dragster ~HrsGrl

      • #702419


        Hrsgrl the flower seat and the dragster are available. can you post a list, the other two items are spoken for or already traded. thanks

    4. #702390


      HRSGRL I seem to be on a trading frenzy, lol, see anything from my list that isn’t already spoken for? glad to see you on today.

    5. #702381


      Narnian100 – Thank you for the trade, am so glad I could help you out with 1 of your wants! There is a really nice bunch of people here so I hope you will stick around and have fun trading with us. :)

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