***TRADERS 2***

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives ***TRADERS 2***

This topic contains 1,399 replies, has 72 voices, and was last updated by  BabyMinkey 11 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #700140

    Hey everyone.  I have created ***TRADERS 2*** so that we can continue to trade.

    1. #702823

      PONY- I know, its been so long since we’ve been able to talk! Not sure of an exact time when I’ll be able to though, but hopefully soon. :) I just sent over the Emerald Dog PSF, not sure if you had it, but thought you might like that. Have a nice night! *AIW

    2. #702811

      LADY, Thanks very much for the trade! I hope you enjoy your items. Take care! WACKY, Hello! Yes I’d love to chat with you sometime too. I have a lot to tell you. Hope you’re doing well. ALL- Got to go around 9:00KT. By the way does anyone have any Birthstone Pet Foods? If so please let me know which you have. If I don’t reply tonight I will tomorrow. Thanks!

    3. #702794


      LADY – Thanks so much! Sorry for that maniacally long post. :P Hope you were Okay with that trade? I really just sent it, Didn’t I? lol. Sorry for that!

    4. #702747

      LADY- Am so very appreciative for the trade! Perhaps my gem room may be completed sometime after all! Was beginning to give up. :) Thanks a bunch!!! The Trampoline was also on my wishlist. So happy to receive these items!!

    5. #702723

      FROGS- No problem! LADY- Alright, I just wanted to make certain, as I know the Piano is a rather sought after item as of late. Yes, the fireplace is great for the Trampoline. I know what you mean, I love the fireplaces and many are centerpieces in my rooms. I’m sending my end over now. Thank for the trade! PONY- Good to see you! Sometime soon I’d love to try and meet up. :) DQ- Was curious as to what you had to trade for points? I don’t have a lot currently, but I do have some I don’t particularly need. LMK, thank you. *AIW

      • #703275

        Oh that, would be great! Here’s my list: Peridot Side Table, Peridot Coffee Table, Gourmet Cupcake Maker (Candykinz Maple Moose PSI), Springtime Celebration Bunny PSI, Black Tutu Dress (Rockerz Papillon Dress PSI thingy) and Silver Glittering Dress. Please LMK if you need anything! DQ00

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