***TRADERS 2***

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives ***TRADERS 2***

This topic contains 1,399 replies, has 72 voices, and was last updated by  BabyMinkey 11 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #700140

    Hey everyone.  I have created ***TRADERS 2*** so that we can continue to trade.

    1. #702875


      Hi MTT, Lady, MsAmy, and TwinkleToes, Wow! I can’t believe it! Yesterday I won a Go-Go-Googles trophy on my main account, and today I won one on my secondary account! If any of you are interested in my second go-go-googles trophy (I definitely want to keep one of them, LOL), I would be happy to trade it. LMK.

      • #703158


        Hi AvrilaC, good to see you here! Congratulations on winning those trophies! What did you have to do to win it?

        • #703305


          Hi Twinkle_Toes, yeah, it’s great to be back. I just got the berries to spell googles, and it said there was a surprise in my dock! I was totally shocked when I won it yesterday (I was only on level 3), and today I had to play it on my other account for a challenge, and I thought “wouldn’t it be cool if I got the trophy today, too?” But I was sure THAT wouldn’t happen. But it DID!

      • #703168


        hi. What would you like from the trophy? I can offer many things.. :)

        • #703312


          Hi Silverstar, I’m not really sure what the trophy is worth – I know it is pretty rare. But, I think I would like to give MTT, Lady, MsAmy, and Twinkle_Toes a chance to offer if any of them want it. They have all been very generous, helping me to get some things I needed. I’m sure you understand. But, if none of them are interested, then I will open it up for general trade. OK?

        • #703319

          Is that you 1000Silverstar? if not so sorry for bothering you. DQ00

        • #703727


          hi silverstar. i also have the go go googles trophy. do you have any special seeds. i hope you would consider trading with me.

    2. #702862


      Pookie, what do you need for your Gem Room?
      Ferret, the Lovely Panda PSI tree is surprisingly small, it fits nearly anywhere, and your pet can sit in it :)

    3. #702839

      Pony—–If you add pigcow35 I can send you all of the birthstone foods.

    4. #702835


      Narnian100 – Would you do Fire Queen Robe and Gleaming Gold Sandals for the Ms. Cowoline Holiday plush?

    5. #702834


      Hey Everyone! Sorry Lady I was unable to Make a List today, So I am Going to start one now :) Hope to have it up Tonight! :) Anyone Needing anything in Particular? Please let me know! ~HrsGrl

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