***TRADERS 2***

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives ***TRADERS 2***

This topic contains 1,399 replies, has 72 voices, and was last updated by  BabyMinkey 11 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #700140

    Hey everyone.  I have created ***TRADERS 2*** so that we can continue to trade.

    1. #704563


      FudgeyVanilla – I have a few promo items, acorn car, boys treehouse, looking at your Cat’s Meow Garden. If you want something specific let me know I have other items & PSI as well.

      • #704626


        :) Hey Traderz! ILY (webkinz user- Silverheart123) here, and I am desperately in need of some furniture(the more feminine the better, it’s for my little white terrier dog)! I have some exclusives and some PSI items up for trade, anyone interested! If so, here’s what I got: Exclusive/Rare—>Topsy Turvy Window>Riding the Rails Train>Antique wishing Well>4-Wheel ATV >Antique Fashion Mirror>Yellow Plasma Ball>Desert Window? PSI—>Milk Truck(cow)>Trailblazin’ Terrier Scooter(white terrier)>Buried Bone Fridge(cocker sp.) >Googles Gem Zen Garden(pink googles) Random—>Honeys Honey Jar>Giant Zingoz Plushy>Peridot Birthstone Gem Lamp>Golden Dragon Statue Clothes—>Camping Outfit>Striped Board Shorts>Superstar Shirt>Beautiful Blue Ball Gown>Gift Box Shoes(seasonal) ps# i <3 superbeds!

    2. #704547


      Oh Narn you said I could get 2 for the chair. If you still have Glacial fox one could I have that as well? i sent you the chair.

    3. #704539


      Narnia Nope, I don’t have the mermonkey things. Hope you can find them. I hope I can trade with you in the future though.

    4. #704534

      Hey what happened with the deluxe dress trade?

      • #704569


        Hey Bama I toatally forgot srry:( the deluxe dress trade is still going i think I asked for the shimmering gold dress and you said you didnt have it? could you send a small list tomarrow of what you have ?Thanks 2mytinytots I love trading cant wait till we can trade:) Oh Catdy I thought you sent the viscountess vanity chair as a gift!! I said I need the egyptian vanity chair!!! I will send back the Viscountess chair soon as possible. sorry about the misshap. But goodnight to all I have to get off and I had so much fun trading with everyone, and Ill seeya tommarrow!!~Narnian100~

    5. #704512


      Narn- i will have either the chair or throne but I don’t think i’ll have the table. I will send you the item when I have it. Do you want it sent to Narnian100? we are friends already.

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