***TRADERS 2***

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives ***TRADERS 2***

This topic contains 1,399 replies, has 72 voices, and was last updated by  BabyMinkey 11 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #700140

    Hey everyone.  I have created ***TRADERS 2*** so that we can continue to trade.

    1. #704590


      Ailuropoda, Did you get a blue road trip shirt yet? I have two extras. I would be happy to trade if you like. My WW username is AvrilaC, just like here. LMK.

    2. #704581


      Oh! And do you guys know if a Takht Throne (rare) for a Christmas Tree Hat was worth it? I made the trade yesterday. Thanks!

      • #704722


        I am not an expert valuest but I never trade Rares for Clothes. That might just be me but I have way to many clothes and only 1 account with 13 pets. If it was bad don’t feel down. I made a horrible mistake once. A glitch in WW made me think I had 2 Valued W ponds and I traded ’1′ For a silly water spinner and When I got home I had no w pond. :(

        • #704830


          Ah. I had a glitch that told me I had two Prismatic Chairs. Thankfully, my friend told me to double check that it was really there. Hmm…I don’t know, I’m not much of a valuest either, but the Christmas Tree Hat was from the 2007 Christmas Gift Box, so I wasn’t sure. Anyhow, I wasn’t sure if I’d ever get the chance to trade for it again, so, I guess no regret. :)

    3. #704580


      Hi! I’m looking for the Cozy Canopy Bed or the Nutty Conveyor belt. I traded too many items yesterday and don’t have many trading items left, but I can offer a few. I have: Underwater Television (Clown Fish PSI), Gold Leaf Table (Magical Forest Key Prize) and a Dresser of the Lost City (rare). LMK, I can trade more than one item for either of my wants.

    4. #704578


      Hi! I guess I’m joining this forum too. I would like the Sunflower Spa (Sunflower Lion PSI), the Cozy Canopy Bed (Sig.), the Royal Fountain, the Nutty Conveyor Belt, and maybe the Spot of Tea Slide. Currently, I’m low on my stock of trading stuff, but I still have a couple items. (BTW, I made a trade yesterday, not sure if it was worth it. I traded a Takht Throne rare for a Christmas Tree Hat. ) I have: Gold Leaf Dining Table, Underwater Television, and Dresser of the Lost City for now, possibly the Gold Leaf Armoire. LMK!

    5. #704568

      CAN SOMEONE TRADE WITH MEEEEE!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

      • #704678



      • #704723


        ~♐♫♥Bama_Kitty7♥♫♐~ I don’t think I can get you the Ice Cream Bed. :( sorry.

        • #704816

          its okay. If you still want the time machine I’ll send it ito you

          • #704875


            You are so kind! i have never known people who are as kind as you guys! Thx! ~catdy ♥ U all!

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