***TRADERS 2***

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives ***TRADERS 2***

This topic contains 1,399 replies, has 72 voices, and was last updated by  BabyMinkey 11 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #700140

    Hey everyone.  I have created ***TRADERS 2*** so that we can continue to trade.

    1. #705741

      LADY, I just saw your post. Thank you very much for offering to help me get the Loch. You really don’t have to do that. You are so sweet. Thanks so much for your help! You’re the best!

    2. #705719


      FERRET I wouldn’t mind trying to help Pony trade for that enchanted loch, let me know if you want to work with me on that. thanks much

    3. #705712

      AILUROPODA- Thank you so much for the ‘trade’! I always feel like its lop-sided on my end, but there’s so little you need, I never know what to give to make up for it. Is there perhaps anything else you can think of you might need/want? I just might be able to finish up my collections one day, after all! I’m so appreciative for those items!! Thanks SO much!
      BAMAKITTY- I realize someone else inquired about the Pink Glitter Fish PSI before me, but if you don’t happen to work something out with them, would you mind if I offered on it? Its been an item I’ve been after for awhile, haven’t found anyone with it in quite some time. LMK, thanks!

    4. #705711


      Pony- Ok! Thanks for letting me know! Hrsgrl- Yes, all of the welcome balloons. Sorry not needing the poster. My bad. Both video game consols would be great, athough I do not need both ALL- Please look at the messages above. And also remind me if I missed anyone or was in a trade. If anyone would like to send me welcome balloons I would be grateful. :D

    5. #705709

      ALL- Sorry to have been absent for awhile. Has been a crazy past few days. Visitors and dog-sitting (bringing our total to five Australian Shepherds running around the house). I didn’t sift through all of the pages, so if I missed a post directed at me, PLMK, thanks!
      MTT- Thanks so much for the lovely package! I honestly wasn’t sure if I had either portion of the pink set and it would’ve taken me quite awhile to go through hundreds of storage containers to unearth the blue. Is there anything you’re looking for? LMK, thanks!

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