***TRADERS 2***

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives ***TRADERS 2***

This topic contains 1,399 replies, has 72 voices, and was last updated by  BabyMinkey 11 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #700140

    Hey everyone.  I have created ***TRADERS 2*** so that we can continue to trade.

    1. #705786


      ALL-If anyone needs the clover kitty,pink poodle,pink pony,pom pom kitty,blue fadoodle,peace unicorn,pazazzle pup or American Albino PSF just let me know.(at the moment I don’t need any PSF so its all for free)

      • #705846


        i need the peace uniicorn and the anmerican albino . sweetmom123456789

      • #705866

        i need pink poodle and pink pony PSF user is BamaKitty7

    2. #705775


      Ailuropoda-I have the american albino PSF if ya want it.

    3. #705769

      Does anyone have estore Points? Offering burger. DQ00

    4. #705754

      FROG, Sorry I don’t need the Emerald Lab’s PSF. I don’t need any Zodiac or Moon Fox PSF. I do need Candykinz though. I need Hard Candy Cone, Sprinkles and Cream Waffles, Super Sweet Tarts, and Caramel Apple Pie. That’s all the Candykinz PSF I need I think. Thanks very much for helping me!

      • #705784


        Hi pony :D Just wanted to let you know that I have not forgotten about you needing that Gold Deluxe Dress, I have been trying every opportunity to get one for you and will get another eventually. For some reason that dress is a little hard to get from the Prize Machine. I have yet to get a gold Deluxe Balloon from the Wheel of Deluxe, either, although I’ve gotten lots of clocks.

        • #705816

          TWINKLE, Oh thank you very much! You’re so sweet.Yes I know. Thanks for thinking of me. You’re the best!

      • #705807


        Do you want Powderpuff Porcupine (store specific) PSF? I don’t need anything. :)

    5. #705744

      Pony—-Do you need the Emerald Lab food? I thought i saw someone sent it to you already but if not can send it with the other two. Also, would you be interested in other estore pet foods? I have some random zodiac and candy kinz as well. I believe i also have some moon fox food on that account and possibly more. PLMK

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