***TRADERS 2***

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives ***TRADERS 2***

This topic contains 1,399 replies, has 72 voices, and was last updated by  BabyMinkey 11 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #700140

    Hey everyone.  I have created ***TRADERS 2*** so that we can continue to trade.

    1. #706241

      KC- im not sure if i already said this, but Thanks For The Gift! That was so nice of you. Do I have to give you something in return?

    2. #706239

      Lady—–Hi! I just got a komrade couch that i might trade. Can you please remind me which page your list is on? Thanks, T-Frogs

    3. #706227

      ALL- Got to go. See everyone tomorrow.

    4. #706216


      Hey Guys.. I just traded white bunny for frozen fun slide, spotted tea trolley, and desert break. (Signature dama gazelle Psi). Was wondering if this was a good trade. I’ve traded priceless for Psi before, and I thought this trade was Okay. What does everyone else think? PLMK!! I’m anxious to know if I made a good trade.

    5. #706208


      LADY – LOL, Yes, I was like searching frantically cause I only had fifteen minutes to find it, then I remembered what I had done with it!! My wish list is just impossible. I have nine things on it (Mainly… I could find more if needed, haha.) and almost no one has them for trade. I’m currently looking for the polka dot tea trolley, lovely panda psi, Cheshire cat Psi (Freaky forest tree perch), Crafty fairy cloak, Green swim top, Poncho shawl and sombrero, and the blue a pink rompers (Only minorly. I like the other items listed a lot more!) ALICE – Its Okay!! But if you did come across a polka dot bobcat Psi, or might sometimes soon, PLMK!! Everyone wo says they have it either end up not having it or they don’t trade it to me. Its really upsetting because its my biggest want! PONY – Take all the time you need!! Thanks!!

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