***TRADERS 2***

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives ***TRADERS 2***

This topic contains 1,399 replies, has 72 voices, and was last updated by  BabyMinkey 11 years, 12 months ago.

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  • #700140

    Hey everyone.  I have created ***TRADERS 2*** so that we can continue to trade.

    1. #707225


      Lady77 Thx! WILD- What do want? the life guard jacket or one of the explorer items. Chose 1 item and I will send that via KinzPost. FR me catdy. Please tell me your username for webkinz so i know it is you!

    2. #707224

      Lady—–Sorry again for taking so long! Anyway, I was semi-interested in the Acorn 4X4, Blue Spring Greenhouse, and the Unstable Stable. I have to go now but i’ll be back later.

    3. #707212

      FERRET, Hello! I remember that I haven’t posted my PSI and clothes list for you. I forgot I’m sorry. Anyway here it is. Clothing
      Candy Factory Coveralls
      WackyER Zingoz Pants
      (2) WackyER Zingoz Shoes
      (6) WackyER Zingoz Tee Shirts
      (8) Free Ride Zingoz Hats
      (4) WackyER Zingoz Hats
      Campkinz Tee Shirts
      Lifeguard Sweaters
      Fred Rover Blazers
      Purple Jean Shorts (WKN exclusive)
      Wizards Apprentice Robe
      (2) White Solar Boots
      Duck Billed Hat
      Sham Rockin’ Bottoms
      Sham Rockin’ Shirt
      Sham Rockin’ Bandana
      (8) Free Ride Zingoz Hats
      Hot Pink Studded Shades
      Zodiac Earth Costume Top
      Unicycle Helmet
      (2) Fabled Top Hats
      White Floppy Hat
      Green Popstar Dress
      (2) Scrambled Tee Shirts
      Diner Waitress Dress
      Webkinz Cafe Uniforms
      White Solar Pants
      White Solar Belt
      (2) White Solar Helmets
      Princess Cloak
      Team Webkinz Track Suits
      Sliver Tiara
      Brown Boy Cave Explorer Shoes
      Zodiac Air Costume Top
      Fuzzy Bunny Slippers
      (3) Eggcellent Spring Glasses
      (3) Blue Bunny Top Hats
      Ms. Birdy’s Pink Blazer
      Goblin Mask
      Fluffington’s Vest
      Spring Celebration Shoes (NVGO)
      WKN Sensational Summer Shades
      Summer Sun Dress
      Webkinz Top Hat
      Blonde Floppy Hat
      Academy Choir Robes
      Yellow Duck Billed Hat
      Brown Boy Cave Explorer Hat
      (2) Mrs. Santakinz Bonnets
      Holnwon Golf Shoes
      Holnwon Golf Pants
      Diving Bell Bottom and Shirt Blue
      Checkered Shirt
      Holnwon Golf Hat
      Life Jacket
      Scarecrow Hat
      Scarecrow Costume
      Flower Hair Clips
      Classic Movie Studio Directors Shirt
      Classic Movie Studio Directors Shoes
      Panda Tee Shirts
      Purple Wizard Shoes and Robe
      Sparkle Heart Dresses
      Pirate Sheath
      Lumberjack Coat and Hat
      Navy Boys School Uniform Sweater
      Organic Vaudeville Mask
      Zum Costume
      Teal Puck Riot Dress
      Gold Modern Vampire Belt
      Blue Vogue Vampire Top
      Nakamas Tee Shirt
      Pink and Blue Baby Rompers (NGO)
      Sunflower Bonnet
      Camping Boots
      Cloud Adventure Pants and Shirt
      Music Note Fedora
      Rock Star Sunglasses (also called Shuts and Shutter Shades)
      Fairy Tale Dress (looks like Snow White’s Dress)
      Nutcraker Prince Jacket
      Pirate Shirt
      Zangoz Slippers
      Holiday House Coat
      Pirate Hat
      Blue Treble Clef Sunglasses
      Rockin’ Reindeer Sweater

      • #707304


        Hi, Pony! I like your Sunflower Bonnet. Cloud Adventure Hat, GW Spring Fedora, Mushroom Charm Hat, possibly Halloween Headpiece for trade. LMK!

    4. #707205

      PONY- Afraid I won’t be able to stay on any longer, so sorry! Hopefully we’ll be able to meet up another time, soon! Have a wonderful day and a happy weekend. :) Again, very sorry!

      • #707213

        WACKY, Awww well okay. I understand. Yes I hope you. You too! Hugs, take care! FERRET, PSI list:
        Far North Sleigh
        Fire Hydrant Fridge
        King of the Jungle Throne
        Icy Ocean Bathtub
        Carefree Cushion

    5. #707195


      LADY – Here is a want list. I’ve found a few more things I want… There are probably too many of them. lol. PSI – Golden feast dining table, levitating loveseat, starlight mint sofa, Fictional fireplace, Freaky forest tree perch, Lovely panda Psi, Tall grass trampoline, White peppermint unicorn Psi, Amber armchair, Aquamarine set, garnet desk and chair, amethyst bed, sapphire tub, (Really any gem Psi I don’t have), new poodle Psi, Rockerz outfits (Especially reggae and groovy) Sorry Its so long… haha… lol.

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