***TRADERS 2***

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives ***TRADERS 2***

This topic contains 1,399 replies, has 72 voices, and was last updated by  BabyMinkey 11 years, 12 months ago.

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  • #700140

    Hey everyone.  I have created ***TRADERS 2*** so that we can continue to trade.

    1. #707421


      Hey Alice! Sorry you’re sick. :( I have the rocky ledge bed and speedy jungle SUV, A bit picky on them, But LMK you’re offer!!

    2. #707400


      hey guys… I just saw the longhorn steer’s Psi and I’d really like to have one for my barn/jam making room which I’m about to make. If anyone has one for trade, LMK!! Thanks!

      • #707423

        Hey Ferret I think the Longhorn Steer doesn’t come out until February. I could be wrong, but just wanted to LYK that it might be a bit harder to find until its release date. :)

    3. #707399

      Morning all. Sick today, so I’ll probably be around a bit. I’m working on some rooms and just thought I’d post my wishlist, although its rather long. (Sorry about that lol)

      AliceInWebkinzland’s WISHLIST:

      (Harder to Find) PSI-
      Speedy Jungle SUV (Sloth)
      Taste Tester Fountain (Licorice Fish, Candykinz Estore)
      Jeweled Fountain (Razzle Dazzle Dog)
      Glamrous Glitter Vanity (Pink Glitter Fish)

      Birthstone PSI-
      Pearl Set (2 Placemats) (Pearl Pup)
      Aquamarine Set (Dresser and Floor Lamp)

      Mad Scientist Goggles (Science Goggles)
      Hula Shirt

      Ruby Gemster
      Sapphire Gemster
      Fred Rover Sofa (Trading Card)
      Amanda Panda Dress (Trading Card)
      Endangered Signature Wallpaper & Flooring Sets (Any. I have an obsession with these!)
      Crystal Crock Wading Pool (A.P. Grand Prize)
      Adventure Park (A.P.) Dig Prizes
      Wondrous Wall Chandelier
      Griffin Emblem Rug

      (Easier to Find) PSI-
      Super Stripy Speedster (Zebra)
      Snowy Ledge Couch (Snow Leopard)
      Hungry Pup Highchair (Misty Puppy)
      Rainy Rainbow Window (Rainbow Zebra)
      Pup Star Vanity (Dazzle Dachshund)
      Relaxing Rocky Sauna (Lynx)
      Hibernation Hammock (Grizzly Bear)
      Wooly Woven Rug (Llama)
      Rocky Ledge Bed (Bengal Tiger)
      Fragrant Flower Bed (Petal Puppy)
      Hide N’Go Burrow (Prairie Dog)
      Jungle Journey Balloon (Grey Langur)
      Timeless Treasure TV (Emperor Dragon)
      If anyone has any of these items, PLMK, and I’d be happy to try and work out a trade for them, thanks!

      • #707447

        Can scratch the Amanda Panda Dress; didn’t realize it was today’s floaty-clicky prize lol. What luck :)

      • #707484


        The dress was a nice surprise today, wasn’t it? :D I need to check my accounts but pretty sure I have an extra Wondrous Wall Chandelier and Griffin Emblem Rug I can trade for your Blue Wagon Racer. Interested? :D

        • #707503

          It surely was! I would be most interested in that trade. Just let me know when and if you find those goodies, and I’ll be happy to send over the Wagon. Thanks Twinks!

          • #707511


            I did have, now you do, LOL. I sent to your Pookie account, please send the blue wagon whenever you log in. Glad I had some things from your wants! :D

            • #707517

              Thanks much for the quick and easy trade! I see you already received my end. I’m happy I had something that interested you! So happy to get some of those odds and ends I’ve been after for some time!! Aw, thank you. :) Have a wonderful weekend, and thanks again!

    4. #707385


      Hey catdy friend me—I have a specail gift for you>^-^<

    5. #707384


      Yah thats what I mean T_T.Is it a valuble dress?

      • #707459


        Yes, I would say it is quite valuable at 35,000. It will continue to go up in value the longer you keep it. It is also popular, I see people looking for the Snow Queen Robes all the time.

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