Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives **TRADERS 3**

This topic contains 75 replies, has 22 voices, and was last updated by  schauzer2013 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #732855


    I wanted to keep the trading going! So lets trade!

    1. #782748


      Anybody want to trade? cause its been a while since I’ve been on so I want to get back into this stuff.

    2. #763193


      Janeneongreen ◘ I Don’t need the Neo Gothic Walls Any more. My Real-life friend told me that it was in curio shop not to long ago___________________________________________ Everybody◘ Anybody Have Princess Egyptian Or Medieval??? _______________________ Plush and PSF Collectors◘( I Will Give These Away For Free )I have Doug The Dog plush My Pets( For PSF) : Pig, Texting Puppy, Rockerz Papillion Dog, Bed Time Puppy, Artic Fox, Airedale terrier, Persian cat, Pink and White Cat, black and white cat, Clydesdale horse, Chihuahua, charcoal cat ,Schnauzers( duh), Hopping bunny, Koala, White Terrier, Chicken, Golden retriever, husky, Alley cat, grey Arabian horse, pug, rabbit, horse, Himalayan cat, Tiger snake, White Poodle, Black Bear, Domino cat, Pinto, Monkey, And Bengal tiger. Note◘◘◘ I’M NOT TRADING PSI!!!! l╕_l╕

      • #763313

        Hey Schnauzer, are you saying that you are giving all those pets psi for psf? Let me know thanks.

        • #782746


          no. I’m trading PSF. PSI are NOT for trade.

    3. #741014


      sorry I don’t janeneongreen. looking for anything else? I REALLY need this wallpaper.

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