This topic contains 29 replies, has 16 voices, and was last updated by  LEG11 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #663656


    LEG11 wrote on 2012-09-07 at 06:35 PM

    Who want’s to trade?? I like PSIs, rares, and Estore.

    Do you still want to trade?????

    1. #667898


      heres what i have
      pink googles psi
      white googles psi
      black poodle psi
      pink pony psi
      lil kinz unicorn psi
      signature dog bed psi
      candycorn witch dress,
      3d glasses,
      pink pony dress,
      fairy dress,(the purple one)
      i have more that i just can’t remember at the time,
      starburst’s cloud bed,
      touring van,
      2012 touring van,
      gemstone table,
      trading card sink 2.0.
      2 clubs of topiaries,
      and more.
      looking for estore points who ever offers me the most estore points will get the item they wanted, it ends sunday, and i will announce sunday the people who gets what thx!

    2. #667895

      Hey, do you happen to have the PSI for the Spooky Pup, Gypsy Vanner, Griffin, Cancer Crab, or Dire Wolf? Please let me know if you do and I can post a list. Thanks!

    3. #667890

      Did anyone get free shuts from webkinz? like you didn’t do anything and webkinz just gave you shuts? I=cause thats what happend to me

    4. #665572


      Who want’s to trade PSIs???

    5. #665489


      dogfish wrote on 2012-09-12 at 07:36 PM

      minigummybears wrote on 2012-09-12 at 06:55 PM

      4444polarbears wrote on 2012-09-11 at 09:25 PM
      Gummy– oh u need groceries from the shop? Add me at xhapysmile and I will send some over. But it would be tomorrow though.

      OK ! ^-^ just ……..U SURE YOU’R FRIENDS LIST IS NOT FULL !? PLMK! and this is VERY IMPORTANT ! I HAVE A USER NAME THAT SEEM’S A LOT LIKE A LITTLE KID’S USER NAME ! BECAUSE I CREATED IT WHEN I WAS 6 !!!! but don’t worry i’m nine now! ^-^ and sorry i’m 2 days late ! i didn’t check here 4 2 days cos’ i was in that mode when u get like a new website and u get an account and it seems addicting but at the end it’s kinda boring …….BUT NOW I’M BACK !^-^ ok …. my user name is 1fluffysparkle no caps or spaces ! ^-^ ~gummy

      Hi gummy, can i add you to my friends list? I will be happy to send you my psf’s and don’t need anything in return. If you need KC, I can send you some items to sell. I have tons in my dock and you would be doing me a favor. I’ll send a request from two accounts ending in 91 and 92. OK? If you get any duplicate foods, just sell them. TTYL DF(Chloe)

      Hey Chloe I need the stuff to make miss stripes living room I am low on cash I also need food like cream puffs, and apple juice things like that could you send some of the stuff I want over my username is Cady623

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