TRADERS COME! I need the deluxe clothes from the KinzStyle Outlet

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives TRADERS COME! I need the deluxe clothes from the KinzStyle Outlet

This topic contains 18 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  ~♐♫♥Bama_Kitty7♥♫♐~ 11 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #762978

    Hey guys!!! BamaKitty7 here! I am needing some items. These are my WANTS and HAVES.
    Delightful dining dress
    Lovely lavender dress
    Butterfly wing belt
    Fine feathered fashion hat
    Terrific teal hat
    Red striped fedora
    Trading Card 2.0 Stove
    Hopping Drum Kit
    Magenta Wall Paint
    Drummer Boy Nutcracker
    Webkinz Christmas Gnomes (1-6)
    Ice Skate Wreath
    Dex Dangerous Magazine Cover Collection
    Time Machine
    Googly Eyeglasses
    5 Snow Globe Hats
    Ribbon Yorkie PSI
    Winterfest Pyjama Pants (A LOT at least 8)

    1. #764225


      Hi Bama Kitty! Would you take a yorkie psi couch for your bed? PLMK, Thanks!!

    2. #763596

      Oh i have all of the items but I need the fantasy coach bed

    3. #763038


      Hi would you trade the gnomes 3,4,5 and 6 for all the clothing/? I can throw in some Kinzstyle also. Add me clo92 if you want to trade. DF

      • #763095


        Hey Bama Kitty, I know dog fish will give you everything for free, but on your other forum I posted that I could give you these and that I was interested in the Webkinz Christmas gnomes, but only 4 and 6 and the dex dangerous thing! Please respond soon! Hi dogfish, I don’t think I have talked to you for a while! I have 2 new forums now, so I hope you can check them out sometime soon! Thanks :)

        • #763635


          Hi lamb, I can’t find half my post around here. Go ahead and do this trade. i don’t “need” the gnomes. I have 1 and 2, and was was just thinking I’d get a few more. I have them in storage and don’t know what to do with them anyway. What are you needing these days, LMK I may have it. DF

          • #764041


            Wow! And sorry about the guess I though you would send for free :P And I hope you don’t mind me getting the gnomes, cause I am trying to complete my collection too. As for what I need, I could literally make a list that would take HOURS to read (no joke) with what I need, but you can just check out my 2 new forums. For now :P Thanks :)

    4. #763048


      I don’t have the ribbon yorkie Psi, I can buy some of those and add something different so its fair, If you would like. PLMK, Thanks!!

    5. #763061

      ok guys… I already have the delightful dining dress, lovely lavendar dress, and the butterfly wing belt! who ever sent those three to me can pick some items if they want. :)

      • #765415


        I have the fine feathered fashion hat, terrific teal hat, and the red striped fedora

        • #765416


          I’d like the ribbon yorkie psi

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