
Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives ~~~~~~TRADING~~~~~~

This topic contains 105 replies, has 30 voices, and was last updated by  Chelsea315 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #669997

    webkinzrox6706 wrote on 2012-09-29 at 04:41 PM

    post my list in a bit :) thx for coming

    Hey, I have shuts. I really need plumpy and i dont have priceless and i dont trade psi. LMK

    1. #673767

      winnie1120 wrote on 2012-10-11 at 04:53 PM

      TRADE List :
      Clothing :
      Elegant Equestrian Jacket
      Stlylish City Dress
      Blueheartz Retro Dress
      Wedding dress
      Lucky Leprechaun’s Jacket
      Pink Beret
      Pop Rock Princess Shirt
      Pink Popstar Dress
      PSI :
      Enchanted Toy Cest (Hold)
      Black and Chrome Paw Stove
      Snowy Camp Site
      Marshmellow Seeds
      Designer Gown
      Rare :
      Elegant Victorian Fountain
      Pile of Persain Pillows
      Sultan’s Settee
      Royal Banquet Chair
      Mystic Eye Lamp
      Centrion Coffee Table
      Medieval Curtains
      Tasteful and Tasy Tea Set
      Vauled :
      Twister in A Pot
      Plumpy’s Chair
      Plumpy’s Writing Desk
      Misc. :
      Fish King Bobble Head Toy
      Crystal Falls
      Deluxe Clock

      I know you’ve been really nice to me and all, but I really don’t want any of those items , sorry .

    2. #673754


      TRADE List :
      Clothing :
      Elegant Equestrian Jacket
      Stlylish City Dress
      Blueheartz Retro Dress
      Wedding dress
      Lucky Leprechaun’s Jacket
      Pink Beret
      Pop Rock Princess Shirt
      Pink Popstar Dress

      PSI :
      Enchanted Toy Cest (Hold)
      Black and Chrome Paw Stove
      Snowy Camp Site
      Marshmellow Seeds
      Designer Gown

      Rare :
      Elegant Victorian Fountain
      Pile of Persain Pillows
      Sultan’s Settee
      Royal Banquet Chair
      Mystic Eye Lamp
      Centrion Coffee Table
      Medieval Curtains
      Tasteful and Tasy Tea Set

      Vauled :
      Twister in A Pot
      Plumpy’s Chair
      Plumpy’s Writing Desk

      Misc. :
      Fish King Bobble Head Toy
      Crystal Falls
      Deluxe Clock

    3. #673743

      puffthemagicdragon wrote on 2012-10-11 at 12:40 PM

      winnie1120 wrote on 2012-10-11 at 11:17 AM

      puffthemagicdragon wrote on 2012-10-11 at 09:17 AM

      winnie1120 wrote on 2012-10-10 at 04:44 PM

      puffthemagicdragon wrote on 2012-10-10 at 03:24 PM

      winnie1120 wrote on 2012-10-10 at 03:15 PM

      puffthemagicdragon wrote on 2012-10-10 at 12:10 PM

      winnie1120 wrote on 2012-10-09 at 09:58 AM

      puffthemagicdragon wrote on 2012-10-09 at 07:50 AM
      HI !!! I have shuts , if you know they are still popular. I don’t know what I should ask for them ( I’m kinda new to this level of trading ). I have some items that I wanted but I think they are a little to much to ask just for shuts . I have some clothes, but they are mostly Wshop and Kinzstyle outlet. I have to gem lamps……..
      Oh ! that reminds me , how do you guys trade ???? do you do it through kinzpost???? If not how do guys find each other in the trading room????

      Hey! What name can i call you?
      We mostly trade through Kinzpost, if someone never traded before with somebody, and neither wants to send frist, they sometimes trade through the clubhouse. They pick a zone and they send a friends request, that’s how they find each other!
      What items are you looking for? Shuts aren’t as rare as they were, but they kinda are still. Let me know what your looking for, maybe we could trade. :-)

      sorry I didn’t see this till today , you can call me puff

      Sure Puff, i’ll post the PSI list in a little bit. I’ve been really busy! :-)

      please, take all the time you need .
      Puff 

      Ok! So sorry, i only have a few, i kind went crazy trading them for items that i needed!!
      Black And Chrome Paw Stove (Retired PSI)
      Snowy Camp Site
      Marshmellow Seeds
      I saw on another forum you said you had birthstone lamps, which ones do you have? LMK!! :-)

      they are the ones from the floaty clicky so I didn’t think you’d want them, I have the red and the green ones .

      Did you see a PSI that you liked? And i was wondering if you would add a lamp to the trade? It’s okay if you don’t want to, just LMK. :-)

      I would be happy to add a lamp to the trade ,and to answer your question no I didn’t like any of the PSI , sorry. Do you have eStore ?

      Do you know if those charm fairy top/ bottom things are still popular or if they ever were ?

    4. #673727


      Does anyone want to trade eStore points with me?!? I need them!! I will trade super cool PSI for them :3

    5. #673723

      Hi Everyone! I am a priceless trader and here is my clothes :)

      Orange Army
      Sail Dress
      Rock Boots
      Cloud Adventure Wings
      Gold Belt

      LMK if anyone wants to trade!


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