Trading A LOT for estore points.

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Trading A LOT for estore points.

This topic contains 89 replies, has 23 voices, and was last updated by  vicky 11 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #686153


    By the way, I will send first. :)

    1. #686716


      Ailuropoda wrote on 2012-12-04 at 01:51 PM

      Bullet, if Tennessee Frogs doesn’t want the slide, I’d up my offer to 20,000 for the new Holiday Slide, the Licorice Dress, and the Beetle Bee Helicopter.

      I can do this. :) Tennessee Frogs says they don’t have enough points right now.. What is your Webkinz username so I can send you a friend request? ..Thanks!!

    2. #686712


      Ailuropoda wrote on 2012-12-04 at 02:05 PM

      FF, you just gave me a real live out-loud chuckle. I’m trying to get the slide for you!!
      Bullet — Please ignore Ferret, I was first to offer for the slide :D

      D: Okay, then I guess its fine to ignore me!!! LOL I almost never get a real love out’loud chuckle from something on here, one though was when you said ‘you had let a possum type before’ and another was right now LOL!!! You really don’t have to try.

    3. #686711

      estore points

    4. #686687


      hi i have 500 estore points can we trade sometime?

    5. #686658


      I already have two Beetle helicopters :) so, as you correctly guessed, this is more about sending Bullet points than getting items.

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