Trading Estore Points

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Trading Estore Points

This topic contains 409 replies, has 45 voices, and was last updated by  Ailuropoda 12 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #678163

    In addition to what I initially posted I was looking for, I’m also looking for the following:

    Unstable Stable (Night Mare)
    Orchid Bathtub (Estore Lil Rainforest Frog)
    Ruby Window (Estore Ruby Retriever)
    Sunflower Spa (Sunflower Lion)
    Sunny Savanna Window (Radiant Rhino)
    Backyard Bubble Maker (Patchy Puppy)

    Year 1 Print
    Mad Scientist Goggles

    I also have quite a bit of items to trade as well. LMK if anyone has these items and what they’d like for them. Thanks! *AIW

    1. #682861

      pransser wrote on 2012-11-18 at 05:03 PM

      AliceInWebkinzland wrote on 2012-11-18 at 04:12 PM

      pransser wrote on 2012-11-18 at 03:55 PM

      AliceInWebkinzland wrote on 2012-11-18 at 02:44 PM
      PRANSSER- I do suppose it would depend on what other clothing item you’d be willing to add. I would like to add that I’m interested in your Emerald Gemster. Just LMK, thanks!
      DEADCOLOURS- Okay, thanks for understanding. (: Sounds good to me. My UN is pookiejosephine. I will send over an FR once I log back on in a few. I’ll send the points once I receive the tub, thanks very much. :) *AIW

      Alright, here’s a list of some of my other items:
      Rock Jacket
      Blue Baby Romper
      Pink Baby Romper
      Card Collector Cropped Jacket
      Wild Flower Spa
      PLMK if any of these interest you (:

      Hmm, unfortunately I happen to have most of those, so sorry! Would you perhaps be comfortable letting me know how many points you were thinking for each of those items individually? Perhaps working out a trade for one would be slightly easier. PLMK, thanks! Sorry for the inconvenience! *AIW

      Okay, I also have the Puppy Picnic Table if interested?
      And for each…I’m not really sure what a fair price would be.
      Can you name a range and we can negotiate around that?

      I have that one, but thank you. Hmm, for the Spooky Puppy PSI I would say between 2,500-4,000. For the Gazebo I would say between maybe 5,000-7,500? LMK your thoughts. Thanks! *AIW

    2. #682799


      AliceInWebkinzland wrote on 2012-11-18 at 04:12 PM

      pransser wrote on 2012-11-18 at 03:55 PM

      AliceInWebkinzland wrote on 2012-11-18 at 02:44 PM
      PRANSSER- I do suppose it would depend on what other clothing item you’d be willing to add. I would like to add that I’m interested in your Emerald Gemster. Just LMK, thanks!
      DEADCOLOURS- Okay, thanks for understanding. (: Sounds good to me. My UN is pookiejosephine. I will send over an FR once I log back on in a few. I’ll send the points once I receive the tub, thanks very much. :) *AIW

      Alright, here’s a list of some of my other items:
      Rock Jacket
      Blue Baby Romper
      Pink Baby Romper
      Card Collector Cropped Jacket
      Wild Flower Spa
      PLMK if any of these interest you (:

      Hmm, unfortunately I happen to have most of those, so sorry! Would you perhaps be comfortable letting me know how many points you were thinking for each of those items individually? Perhaps working out a trade for one would be slightly easier. PLMK, thanks! Sorry for the inconvenience! *AIW

      Okay, I also have the Puppy Picnic Table if interested?
      And for each…I’m not really sure what a fair price would be.
      Can you name a range and we can negotiate around that?

    3. #682765

      pransser wrote on 2012-11-18 at 03:55 PM

      AliceInWebkinzland wrote on 2012-11-18 at 02:44 PM
      PRANSSER- I do suppose it would depend on what other clothing item you’d be willing to add. I would like to add that I’m interested in your Emerald Gemster. Just LMK, thanks!
      DEADCOLOURS- Okay, thanks for understanding. (: Sounds good to me. My UN is pookiejosephine. I will send over an FR once I log back on in a few. I’ll send the points once I receive the tub, thanks very much. :) *AIW

      Alright, here’s a list of some of my other items:
      Rock Jacket
      Blue Baby Romper
      Pink Baby Romper
      Card Collector Cropped Jacket
      Wild Flower Spa
      PLMK if any of these interest you (:

      Hmm, unfortunately I happen to have most of those, so sorry! Would you perhaps be comfortable letting me know how many points you were thinking for each of those items individually? Perhaps working out a trade for one would be slightly easier. PLMK, thanks! Sorry for the inconvenience! *AIW

    4. #682759


      DeadColours wrote on 2012-11-18 at 03:50 PM

      Bailey101010- If it’s okay with AIW we can work out a trade on this forum, considering she was interested in the Gemster as well I feel kinda rude trading it on her forum to someone else. You can add me at DeadColours and maybe we can talk about it in the clubhouse KC+? LMK what you’d like to do.
      AIW- If it’s okay can me and bailey work something out on your forum? If not I completely understand. ;)

      Ok meet me right now on webkinz ok? And add me as Bailey101010.

    5. #682757


      AliceInWebkinzland wrote on 2012-11-18 at 02:44 PM

      PRANSSER- I do suppose it would depend on what other clothing item you’d be willing to add. I would like to add that I’m interested in your Emerald Gemster. Just LMK, thanks!
      DEADCOLOURS- Okay, thanks for understanding. (: Sounds good to me. My UN is pookiejosephine. I will send over an FR once I log back on in a few. I’ll send the points once I receive the tub, thanks very much. :) *AIW

      Alright, here’s a list of some of my other items:
      Rock Jacket
      Blue Baby Romper
      Pink Baby Romper
      Card Collector Cropped Jacket
      Wild Flower Spa

      PLMK if any of these interest you (:

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