Trading Estore Points

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This topic contains 409 replies, has 45 voices, and was last updated by  Ailuropoda 12 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #678163

    In addition to what I initially posted I was looking for, I’m also looking for the following:

    Unstable Stable (Night Mare)
    Orchid Bathtub (Estore Lil Rainforest Frog)
    Ruby Window (Estore Ruby Retriever)
    Sunflower Spa (Sunflower Lion)
    Sunny Savanna Window (Radiant Rhino)
    Backyard Bubble Maker (Patchy Puppy)

    Year 1 Print
    Mad Scientist Goggles

    I also have quite a bit of items to trade as well. LMK if anyone has these items and what they’d like for them. Thanks! *AIW

    1. #683962


      kbk100 wrote on 2012-11-23 at 10:38 AM

      AliceInWebkinzland wrote on 2012-11-22 at 01:25 PM

      kbk100 wrote on 2012-11-22 at 12:57 PM

      AliceInWebkinzland wrote on 2012-11-22 at 11:07 AM
      KBK100- Okay, that’s fine if you’d prefer to keep the Blouse, no worries. Hmm, for the car that’s probably a fair amount, I’m just trying to decide, since I have the pet so I have the PSI already LOL. I’m trying to sorta save for Black Friday as well, but I’ll LYK as soon as I can if I would trade. (Going Black Friday shopping all through the night, so I apologize if I don’t reply swiftly!)
      ALP- Hmm, that probably a little out of my price range, sorry about that! But thanks for letting me offer on it! *AIW

      Hello! do you think you could do 8500 for sail top and 4000 for the car? i maybe could add something small if you gave me an idea of what you like (: if you can’t give that many points can you just do 4000 for the car? just let me know what you can do and what is the highest you can do for both thanks!

      Hmm, I’m not sure about that amount for the Top, I was thinking more in the range of 7000? If you don’t feel that’s fair, I understand. For both, I’m not sure what I’d offer. I’m planning on taking advantage of the sale coming up this weekend, but am also planning on buying some more if I can. I’ll LYK soon! Sorry for the inconvenience! *AIW

      Hiya is fine but do you think you can do 12500 for the tie dye pony car and sail top and i can add harmonious hammock for free can you do that thanks so much (:

      Hi again i just won a pet! so now i do not need the points as badly so if you do not like my new offer then i would be fine keeping my things thanks!

    2. #683918


      AliceInWebkinzland wrote on 2012-11-22 at 01:25 PM

      kbk100 wrote on 2012-11-22 at 12:57 PM

      AliceInWebkinzland wrote on 2012-11-22 at 11:07 AM
      KBK100- Okay, that’s fine if you’d prefer to keep the Blouse, no worries. Hmm, for the car that’s probably a fair amount, I’m just trying to decide, since I have the pet so I have the PSI already LOL. I’m trying to sorta save for Black Friday as well, but I’ll LYK as soon as I can if I would trade. (Going Black Friday shopping all through the night, so I apologize if I don’t reply swiftly!)
      ALP- Hmm, that probably a little out of my price range, sorry about that! But thanks for letting me offer on it! *AIW

      Hello! do you think you could do 8500 for sail top and 4000 for the car? i maybe could add something small if you gave me an idea of what you like (: if you can’t give that many points can you just do 4000 for the car? just let me know what you can do and what is the highest you can do for both thanks!

      Hmm, I’m not sure about that amount for the Top, I was thinking more in the range of 7000? If you don’t feel that’s fair, I understand. For both, I’m not sure what I’d offer. I’m planning on taking advantage of the sale coming up this weekend, but am also planning on buying some more if I can. I’ll LYK soon! Sorry for the inconvenience! *AIW

      Hiya is fine but do you think you can do 12500 for the tie dye pony car and sail top and i can add harmonious hammock for free can you do that thanks so much (:

    3. #683877

      SMG & SMG2

      AliceInWebkinzland wrote on 2012-11-22 at 12:28 PM

      ALP- Okay, well I could do 4000 for it, if that okay with him. However, does he mind waiting until the weekend is out? I may or may not have points left over, I’ll try to keep enough for that though. LMK, thanks!
      TOROKOLOVE- Thank you for letting me know you have those two items! I was curious as to what you’re looking for for them? PLMK, and I’d be happy to make a list for you. (: Thank you. *AIW

      I was looking foward to promo furniture? If also u have the Webkinz Cares Dining Set I would LOVE to offer on it. Thanks!

    4. #683816

      Hey! i have candy hat if u need. LMK

    5. #683773

      kbk100 wrote on 2012-11-22 at 12:57 PM

      AliceInWebkinzland wrote on 2012-11-22 at 11:07 AM
      KBK100- Okay, that’s fine if you’d prefer to keep the Blouse, no worries. Hmm, for the car that’s probably a fair amount, I’m just trying to decide, since I have the pet so I have the PSI already LOL. I’m trying to sorta save for Black Friday as well, but I’ll LYK as soon as I can if I would trade. (Going Black Friday shopping all through the night, so I apologize if I don’t reply swiftly!)
      ALP- Hmm, that probably a little out of my price range, sorry about that! But thanks for letting me offer on it! *AIW

      Hello! do you think you could do 8500 for sail top and 4000 for the car? i maybe could add something small if you gave me an idea of what you like (: if you can’t give that many points can you just do 4000 for the car? just let me know what you can do and what is the highest you can do for both thanks!

      Hmm, I’m not sure about that amount for the Top, I was thinking more in the range of 7000? If you don’t feel that’s fair, I understand. For both, I’m not sure what I’d offer. I’m planning on taking advantage of the sale coming up this weekend, but am also planning on buying some more if I can. I’ll LYK soon! Sorry for the inconvenience! *AIW

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