Trading Estore Points

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Trading Estore Points

This topic contains 409 replies, has 45 voices, and was last updated by  Ailuropoda 12 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #678163

    In addition to what I initially posted I was looking for, I’m also looking for the following:

    Unstable Stable (Night Mare)
    Orchid Bathtub (Estore Lil Rainforest Frog)
    Ruby Window (Estore Ruby Retriever)
    Sunflower Spa (Sunflower Lion)
    Sunny Savanna Window (Radiant Rhino)
    Backyard Bubble Maker (Patchy Puppy)

    Year 1 Print
    Mad Scientist Goggles

    I also have quite a bit of items to trade as well. LMK if anyone has these items and what they’d like for them. Thanks! *AIW

    1. #685110

      winnie1120 wrote on 2012-11-27 at 04:14 PM

      AliceInWebkinzland wrote on 2012-11-27 at 03:56 PM

      winnie1120 wrote on 2012-11-27 at 03:37 PM
      Sent them. :-)

      Okay, I just received them. I just sent your points over. Thanks so much for the quick and easy trade! Enjoy! *AIW

      Got em!! Thanks you soooooooooooo much!! Your the best EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Great! You’re more than welcome, I hope you’ll enjoy your points! Aw, thank you, that means a lot!! I truly appreciate you being such a kind and genuine trader, and, most importantly, a wonderful friend! Thanks again winnie! *AIW

    2. #685099


      AliceInWebkinzland wrote on 2012-11-27 at 03:56 PM

      winnie1120 wrote on 2012-11-27 at 03:37 PM
      Sent them. :-)

      Okay, I just received them. I just sent your points over. Thanks so much for the quick and easy trade! Enjoy! *AIW

      Got em!! Thanks you soooooooooooo much!! Your the best EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    3. #685094

      AliceInWebkinzland wrote on 2012-11-27 at 03:56 PM

      winnie1120 wrote on 2012-11-27 at 03:37 PM
      Sent them. :-)

      Okay, I just received them. I just sent your points over. Thanks so much for the quick and easy trade! Enjoy! *AIW

      I forgot to add, LMK when you receive your points! Oops! *AIW

    4. #685086

      winnie1120 wrote on 2012-11-27 at 03:37 PM

      Sent them. :-)

      Okay, I just received them. I just sent your points over. Thanks so much for the quick and easy trade! Enjoy! *AIW

    5. #685076


      Sent them. :-)

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