Trading Gem Lamps

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Trading Gem Lamps

This topic contains 26 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by  janeneongreen 12 years ago.

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  • #699460


    This is a post where you can trade all of the Gem-Lamps. (P.S. I need the blue one the most.) Thanks!

    1. #714141


      does anyone have an amethyst lamp? i have a ruby lamp to trade. i can also trade other stuff for it. just let me know what you’re looking for. thanks!! ladygaudiel

      • #715110

        I have an amethyst and I would love to trade it for a ruby lamp. If you want to add me, my user is popprincess236. JLMK if you want to trade! Love and Sparkles, MOOON QUEEEEN

    2. #713926

      I have the emerald and ruby lamps. They aren’t really for trade though. Sorry.

    3. #713603

      I have the blue zircon, peridot, rose zircon, and Amethyst. I also have tons of other items to trade. I am in need of the Alexandrite, Emerald, Garnet, Ruby, Sapphire, and Topaz lamps. If you have any of these and need any of mine or just want to trade just reply with your username and ill add you so we can set a time and place to trade. Thanks! :)

      • #713646

        Hey! could i trade you a garnet for an amethyst? My user is popprincess236. Love and Sparkles, MOOON QUEEEEN

        • #713770

          Yea sure! Do you want to meet up in the trading room or send via kinzpost? My user is Chocolatechip2478. Just let me know, thanks! :)

          • #713897

            I can send if you want, I think that would be easiest. Thanks so much! My user is popprincess236. Love and Sparkles, MOOON QUEEEEN

            • #713929

              Hey, i just got your package and I’m sending mine right now. Thanks so much for the trade! Hope we can trade again! :)

            • #713971

              No problem, and thanks so much! Love and Sparkles, MOOON QUEEEEN

    4. #713402


      QUEENFASHIONETTA — im sorry, im not trying to be pushy, but do you still want to trade? if so, will you PLEASE make a list? thanx ***horse121****

    5. #712942

      I have lots of gem lamps, including Garnet, Rose Zircon, Blue Zircon, Sapphire, Topaz, and May Gemstone (Emerald). I’ve also got some Gem Furniture if anyone’s interested! Love and Sparkles, MOOON QUEEEEN

      • #713474

        Hi what would you want for a gem furniture piece?

        • #713518

          Right now, I’m looking for Wings, DJ, Rockerz psi and clothing, other Gem
          Furniture, Signature PSI, Spins, Deluxe, and Poncho. I can add if you want me
          too as well. PLMK if you have anything! Love and Sparkles, MOOON QUEEEEN

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