trading! here! clothes and more!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives trading! here! clothes and more!

This topic contains 43 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  dancer99 11 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #728564


    here is a forum that everyone can trade with everyone else! have fun and enjoy! ~dancer

    1. #734087

      Ok Miss Dancer. I sent your plumpy over. Enjoy them. TTYL Leah

    2. #734086


      thanks leah! do you want anything in return? no sorry i dont have that hat, its for deluxe only. i with so badly had a membership! ~dancer

    3. #733473


      hey guys, im looking for points, priceless, and promo. the three p’s lol! anyways, im looking plmk! i have cool stuff for trade! ~dancer

    4. #733331


      hey leah i am still looking for plumpy….do youstill have them? ~dancer

      • #734054

        Yes, I have your plumpy. Will send them right over! BTW, do you happen to have the vacation island pirate hat?? I have been playing that game for over a year and still don’t have the hat! haha TTYL <Sis

    5. #733226

      Narnian! Good luck with your search for a fairy den dress!!! I know they are VERY hard to come by!!! I sent you a friend request because I see you on here a lot, and I am a big fan of the Narnian movies too!!! Hope to meet up with you in WW some time soon! Sis

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