Trading PSF

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This topic contains 99 replies, has 24 voices, and was last updated by  momofredheadboys 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #779735

    Looking to trade PSF’s.
    Here is part of the list I am looking for. Will post the rest later along with the PSF’s I have to offer. Thanks for looking.
    Wild berry Sundae (sig. woodland raccoon)
    Frozen berrysicles (winter fawn)
    Cocktail cattails (white swan)
    Cursed cherry soda (vampire bat)
    Midnight macaroni (twilight dragon)
    Triple top hat cake (tuxedo cat)
    Bangers and monster mash (trick or treat troll)
    Tie dyed fly pie (tie dye frog)
    Monstrous milkshake (sweetheart monster)
    Lemon sundrops (sunflower lion)
    Tuna melt medley (sterling cheeky cat)
    Unburied bones (spooky pup)
    Toadstool fritter (skunk)
    Creamy carrot sherbet (sherbet bunny)
    Candy clovers (shamrock dragon)
    Herbivore smores (rainbow zebra)
    Colorful candy bouquet (rainbow armadillo)
    undersea omelet (purple goldfish)
    flowerbed flapjacks (purple floral fox)
    trickier treats (pumpkin puppy)
    bamboo bruschetta (pretty panda)
    prairie berry muffins (prairie dog)
    festive fruit cake (poinsettia lion)
    best in show brownies (American golden)
    doggie bone burger (sig. American cocker spaniel)
    frozen carrot pops (floppy eared bunny)
    grazed glazed greens (fancy sheep)
    wild egg omelet (fennec fox)
    watermelon punch (fancy flamingo)
    flower flapjack (earth fawn)
    boerenkoleslaw (sig. dutch bunny)
    buck potluck (deer)

    1. #782721


      I also have the sig penguin,Ice dragon, cherry blossem bird,caterpiller, and maybe the gorilla.And by the way your already on my freinds list. &Delta bob &Delta

    2. #783309

      Thanks everyone for sending. I will try to keep what I have gotten so far updated as best as I can. Yes, my UN is the same. So far I have gotten flowerbed flapjacks, lemon sundrops, folklore smores, carrot cream cone, festive fruitcake, booberry gumball, frozen berrysicles, midnight macaroni, tie dyed fly pie, unburied bones, colorful candy bouquet,bamboo buschetta, waterlily puffs, flying fish and chips, flying berry flan, mythical milkshake, two seasons cake, wild egg omelet, cherry blossom cheesecake, leafy layer cake, petrifying popcorn, triple top hat cake, toadstool fritter, and candy catnip. I will start sending those who wanted some of mine either tonight (Monday) or tomorrow morning. ~MORHB~

      • #802286


        My comment is on first page. I want an item for 6 foods

    3. #782922


      Hi there, I have several of the PSFs that you are looking for…and would be happy to send them over to you…is your user name the same as on here? Let me know and I will send over a friend request. Shell

      • #786694

        Thank you shellz. Love the UN by the way. The husband has a barracuda that he will be working on to get up and running soon. ~MORHB~

        • #787964


          You are more than welcome! I like to help out where I can…I collect PSF also and it is very tough to get some of them in the trading rooms. I hope you get the rest of the foods you are looking for. If I happen to adopt any of those pets I will be sure to send the food over to you. OOH!!! Lucky him (and you too of course)!!! The Cuda is my dream car! Have an amazing day! Shell

    4. #782946

      Hey morhb I have the winter snow crepes, catnip chips and dip, honeycomb custard, wild grain granola bar, garden fresh veggies, trickier treats, herbivore smores, frozen berry-sicles and wild egg omelets, i’m super interested in Your magma marshmallows and moon chews for all nine (will send over a three day period) just let me know <3

    5. #783049


      I have the unburied bones. Do you still have the munchy acorn meringues?

      • #783139


        Hi mom, I have a bunch of the ones you need. I’ll start sending soon, nothing needed, I don’t collect PSFs. DF

      • #783317

        Hey there bamboo. I already have the unburied bones, but I will still send you some of the acorns. How many would you like and is your UN the same? LMK ~MORHB~

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