Trading Sailor Cap, Emo Jeans, Inkwell Trophy, Sig PSI, and more!!!!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Trading Sailor Cap, Emo Jeans, Inkwell Trophy, Sig PSI, and more!!!!

This topic contains 80 replies, has 25 voices, and was last updated by  lostdays 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #594684

    lostdays wrote on 2012-05-02 at 08:04 AM

    I will list the rest in a little while. =)

    Do you still have the Sail Dress?

    1. #594763

      fudgeyvanilla wrote on 2012-05-02 at 12:14 PM

      MusicLover1234 wrote on 2012-05-02 at 08:39 AM

      lostdays wrote on 2012-05-02 at 08:04 AM
      I will list the rest in a little while. =)

      Hey LostDays, I’m interested in the Cap and Emo Jeans.
      I have:
      Dino Slide
      Melody Hat
      Burger Costume
      Purple Lava
      Charm Tiara
      LMK if you need any. :D

      hey music lover, i’m intrested in your purple lava lamp. what R U looking
      for it? PLMKSNOL.

      hey did ihere U wanted my strawberry jammin’ jukebox? PLMKSNOL!

      everyone else whos intrested may leave an offer for my SIG. i HAV:
      bengal tiger BBQ, black african rhinocerous sanctuary set, burrowing cliffside lide, (needs a very high offer.)
      spot of tea slide, icy organ, sly slide, polor bear walls and floors, red wolf sancuary set, (walls and floors R on hold.)
      any offers? PLMKSNOL.

    2. #594738

      MusicLover1234 wrote on 2012-05-02 at 08:39 AM

      lostdays wrote on 2012-05-02 at 08:04 AM
      I will list the rest in a little while. =)

      Hey LostDays, I’m interested in the Cap and Emo Jeans.
      I have:
      Dino Slide
      Melody Hat
      Burger Costume
      Purple Lava
      Charm Tiara
      LMK if you need any. :D

      hey music lover, i’m intrested in your purple lava lamp. what R U looking
      for it? PLMKSNOL.

    3. #594693


      Hi! I like your EMO jeans and am looking for sig’s. I have lots of sig’s and some Promo’s to offer like the Atomic couch (animated) and the Large Multicolor Egg Wardrobe. Also the Merry Melodies hat. Did you want a list? PLMK Thanks,


    4. #594685

      lostdays wrote on 2012-05-02 at 08:04 AM

      I will list the rest in a little while. =)

      Hey LostDays, I’m interested in the Cap and Emo Jeans.
      I have:
      Dino Slide
      Melody Hat
      Burger Costume
      Purple Lava
      Charm Tiara

      LMK if you need any. :D

    5. #594684

      lostdays wrote on 2012-05-02 at 08:04 AM

      I will list the rest in a little while. =)

      Do you still have the Sail Dress?

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