Trading Signature, Rare Clothes, PSI, PSF, and much more!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Trading Signature, Rare Clothes, PSI, PSF, and much more!

This topic contains 12 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  Madukayil 11 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #816609


    Hey everyone! I’m trading many items, including Signature, Rare Clothes, PSI, PSF (Pet Specific Food), Rares, Valued, Exclusive, and much more! Just post what you are looking or if you want to know what I have. Nothing is for free, sorry. Enjoy trading! (:D)

    1. #861181

      I really want the little lamb bed. How about lioness psi, or a golden retriever psi?

    2. #817850


      Hello! I’m very interested in your spot of tea slide and swan princess dress. If you can, would you be alright with taking a look at my trade lists on my forum? Thanks so much! –Maddie :)

    3. #817695

      Hi there sourcandy! I’m really interested in your signature daring den slide! Here’s what I have to offer…
      Enchanted Loch (Signature Westie PSI)
      Endangered Island Getaway (Signature Endangered Red Wolf PSI)
      Sundae Station (Signature Small Chimpanzee PSI)
      Big Bark Clock Tower (Signature Beagle PSI)
      Sly Slide (Signature Fox PSI) (Reserved for Madukayil)
      Banana Boom Box (Signature Chimpanzee PSI)
      Doggie Diving Pool (Signature German Pointer PSI)
      Sunny Savannah Oasis (Signature Endangered Cheetah PSI)
      So anyway, let me know! Thanks, ~AQUA. PS Madukayil, If you haven’t seen any of my other replies, I was wondering if you still have your peppermint swirl slide, and if you’d like to work out a trade for it :) Thanks so much! :)

      • #817855


        Hey Aqua! Sorry to reply so late: I have been trying to post, but knowing my luck with the moderators, nothing was going through. Anyways, I wanted to let you know that I no longer need the shutter shades, mainly because the person I was planning to gift them to already got them. :P Hehe, sorry about that: hope it wasn’t too much of an inconvenience to you! I still am very interested in the sly slide, though, and I hope we can work something out. Nobody else who expressed interest in the slide before you has replied, so I’m pretty sure I can hold on to it for you. Thanks for your patience! –Maddie :)

    4. #817465


      Sly Slide
      Spot of Tea Slide
      Daring Den Slide
      Nutty Conveyor Belt
      Mud Wallow Hot Springs

      Designer Gown
      Breaching Orca Pond
      Love Pond
      Fine Ribbon Bed
      Dashin’ Dachshund Treadmill
      Desert Oasis Pond
      Day Outdoors Bathtub
      Sunny Siesta Sofa
      Jelly Bean Big Screen
      Little Lamb Bed
      Rainy Day Window
      Far North Sleigh
      Three Wishes Genie Lamp

      Pageant Princess Bed
      Bookworm Bed
      Sleeping Dragon Bed (Valued/Retired)

      Elegant Victorian Fountain
      Master Grill
      Fancy Fountain
      Luxury Hot Tub
      Greasy Grill

      Webkinz Theme Music Box (Valued/Retired)
      Holographic Globe
      Time Warp Clock
      Egyptian Tomb Window
      Giant Feather Chair (Valued/Retired)
      Antique Lamp Post
      Safe and Sound Mini Locker
      Wading Pool (Valued/Retired)
      Elephant Fountain (Valued/Retired)
      King of the Garden Statue
      Circus Ball Trampoline
      Giant Gift Box (Valued/Retired)
      Ice Resurfacer (Valued/Retired)
      Giant Sandwich Table (Valued/Retired)
      Dex Dangerous Space Fighter (Valued/Retired)
      Dancing Zingoz

      Trading Card 2.0 Side Table
      Wacky Hot Air Balloon
      Mediaeval Trophy Pedestal
      Sacred Pyramid Flooring
      Kinzcash Side Table
      Dignified Dreams Bed
      Ms. Cowoline Reading Chair
      Fall Leaves

      Woodland Tiara
      Pixie Dress
      Glittering Silver Dress
      City Chic Boots
      City Chic Top
      City Chic Sunglasses
      Glass Slippers
      Grape Dress
      Undersea Dress
      Flowery Print Dress
      Boy’s Varsity Pants
      Fire Queen Robes
      Spring Blossom Blazer
      Pilgrim Top
      Pilgrim Bottom
      Country Party Dress
      Country Bonnet
      Chef’s Hat
      Baker’s Apron
      Vintage Glam Headband
      Vintage Glam Top
      Vintage Glam Skirt
      Zodiac Earth Costume Shoes
      Dwarf Shoes
      Dwarf Hat
      Princess Cloak
      Blue Bunny Top Hat
      Charm Fairy Leggings
      Charm Fairy Top
      Spirit Squad Uniform (Valued/Retired)
      Dragon Queen Robe
      Cat Toque
      Tween Queen Dress
      Tween Queen Crown
      Enchanted Tiara
      Dancing Shoes
      Hypnotic Glasses/Spins
      Candy Factory Overalls
      Moonberry Dress
      WackyER Zingoz Hat
      Fairy Ball Gown
      Sparkle’s Tirara
      Stylish City Dress
      Fall Cabbie Coat (Valued/Retired)
      Chic Black Dress
      Springtime Coat
      Starlight Robe
      Pink Butterfly Dress
      Webkinz Stadium Cap
      Navy Suit Jacket
      Princess Swan Dress

    5. #817433


      Do you have any scientist rare theme items? (besides the robo handy table) -KASSUZY

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