Unlimited PSF's for trade!!!

Home Forums Pets – Archives Unlimited PSF's for trade!!!

This topic contains 139 replies, has 34 voices, and was last updated by  sarahbearagirl7 12 years ago.

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  • #663732

    Hey, Frog! That’s amazing, almost every Webkinz?

    Do you happen to have the…
    Rockerz Cow
    Rockerz Monkey
    Rockerz Papillion
    Candy Apple Camel

    If so, I’d like to know what you’d want for their PSFs! :D Thanks!

    1. #663747


      HEY! PSF’s are not unlimited! u can buy from the store( if u have that pet u want PSF ) i have PSF’s of: Pom Pom Kitty, pink glittered fish, clown fish, robin, koala, sig labradoodle, chihuahua, persian cat, coker spaniel, husky, tree frog. i need Candy Apple. PLMKS!

      >^-^< ++mimi01++

    2. #663740

      Sorry but i don’t have those. I might be getting some of those Rockerz soon though! I’ll let you know. Need anything else?

      Sorry, I don’t have the griffin. I have all the birthstone dogs and have a few zodiac and other random pets. Just the PSF’s for trade though.

      I don’t have many of the new webkinz foods but i have a few. I have most dogs, cats, and frog foods including a cheeky cat PSF! I’ve got most of the horses and geckos also. Then a bunch of random pets. PLMK if you need any of these.

    3. #663737


      fanofthefrog7 wrote on 2012-09-07 at 10:55 PM

      I have almost every webkinz so I can get you almost any food! I can also get love puppy food and I have one cheeky cat food.

      Just one question-
      What do people do with the PSFs? Do they collect them or what?

      BTW I also have alot of pets so i can also get you different PSFs, including Peace Out Puppy and Bluefadoodle. I also have Panda and alot of old pets.

    4. #663734


      Hi! I understand that this is for food, but I was curious as to if you have a griffin pet?
      I really want a griffin fireplace PSI, so I’d appreciate it if you considered trading with me.
      : )

    5. #663732

      Hey, Frog! That’s amazing, almost every Webkinz?

      Do you happen to have the…
      Rockerz Cow
      Rockerz Monkey
      Rockerz Papillion
      Candy Apple Camel

      If so, I’d like to know what you’d want for their PSFs! :D Thanks!

      • #710220


        Hi, I have 73 pets and about 69 different foods. By the way I have 2 Rockerz pets(the Horse and Papillion dog) , 1 Birthstone pet ( Garnet Rover ), 1 estore exclusive pet (not counting birthstone pets) which is the Afghan hound ,3 retired pets (Grey Squirrel, Elephant and Black Stallion) and lots of other amazing pets with awesome food. Bye! Love, Doglove (woof)

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