Unlimited PSF's for trade!!!

Home Forums Pets – Archives Unlimited PSF's for trade!!!

This topic contains 139 replies, has 34 voices, and was last updated by  sarahbearagirl7 12 years ago.

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  • #663732

    Hey, Frog! That’s amazing, almost every Webkinz?

    Do you happen to have the…
    Rockerz Cow
    Rockerz Monkey
    Rockerz Papillion
    Candy Apple Camel

    If so, I’d like to know what you’d want for their PSFs! :D Thanks!

    1. #669031


      Revelation wrote on 2012-09-25 at 08:22 AM

      Does anyone have zodiac or estore or cool PSF’s that you are giving away or would take other PSF’s for?
      My username is RNM579…..
      Thanks so much!

      Hi Revelation

      I don’t have zodiac PSF’s but I have a ton of estore PSF’s, if you have a list of ones that you need, could you post it? Or if you like, I can just post a list of the estore PSF’s that I have….and some of my other pets have some pretty cute PSF’s too :D Anyways, LMK if you want to make a list or if you’d like me to make one of what I have :)


      PS: Unless you have something really rare or really cool looking, I don’t need any PSF’s myself :P

    2. #669020

      Revelation wrote on 2012-09-25 at 08:22 AM

      Does anyone have zodiac or estore or cool PSF’s that you are giving away or would take other PSF’s for?
      My username is RNM579…..
      Thanks so much!

      Hi! I have a lot of PSF’s (Including estore and zodiac!) that i will trade for W-SHOP food, like apples and milk.

    3. #668994


      Does anyone have zodiac or estore or cool PSF’s that you are giving away or would take other PSF’s for?
      My username is RNM579…..

      Thanks so much!

    4. #668824

      foxem9 wrote on 2012-09-13 at 07:10 PM

      fanofthefrog7 wrote on 2012-09-12 at 05:44 PM

      foxem9 wrote on 2012-09-12 at 04:42 PM

      fanofthefrog7 wrote on 2012-09-09 at 04:29 PM

      foxem9 wrote on 2012-09-09 at 02:36 PM

      fanofthefrog7 wrote on 2012-09-07 at 10:55 PM
      I have almost every webkinz so I can get you almost any food! I can also get love puppy food and I have one cheeky cat food.

      do you have capricorn goat


      can we please trade sometime i have mallard suck, sunset giraffe, froo froo fox, texting puppy, clover cat, lamb, domino cat, rockerz bulldog, husky, fox, cotton candy puppy, mohawk puppy, american golden, dire wolf, dodo bird, panda, googles, pink cockatoo, black cat, black lab (retired), ribbon unicorn (retired), and spotted leopard

      I don’t really need PSF’s in return. Could you trade me some regular food?

      like what

      W-Shop food, like an apple or milk.


    5. #668605


      sarahbearagirl7 wrote on 2012-09-23 at 03:07 PM

      Anyone need any of my PSF?

      Hi sarah, I sent all the food you listed. so JLMK what else you need. Do you go to Fairy falls? I have all the fairy clothes if you need any. Except the tiaras and charm dress, of course. I also have extra jumleberry prizes.(some) If you want more food just make a new list. If i don’t have the pet, I’m sure some one i know has one. TTYL Chloe

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