Unlimited PSF's for trade!!!

Home Forums Pets – Archives Unlimited PSF's for trade!!!

This topic contains 139 replies, has 34 voices, and was last updated by  sarahbearagirl7 12 years ago.

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  • #663732

    Hey, Frog! That’s amazing, almost every Webkinz?

    Do you happen to have the…
    Rockerz Cow
    Rockerz Monkey
    Rockerz Papillion
    Candy Apple Camel

    If so, I’d like to know what you’d want for their PSFs! :D Thanks!

    1. #686110

      To update my collection, I need the PSF’s for these WebKinz pets:
      Glamour Gecko-Creme de Cricket, Razzle Dazzle Dog-Sparkling Pork Chops, Signature Labradoodle-Labracadabra Chow.

      Have many other PSF’s to trade. Please let me know. Thanks, everybody :)

    2. #684210

      Anyone looking for PSF?

    3. #683385


      sarahbearagirl7 wrote on 2012-11-04 at 04:16 PM

      Dogfish/ Chloe can you send me some more fridges?

      Hi Sarah, sorry, I didn’t know you needed anything. I’ll start sending them today. Happy Thanksgiving, Chloe

    4. #683381

      My Pets:
      Signature Cheetah, Emperor Penguin, and Zebra
      Mystical Pony
      Pink Pony
      Rockerz Cat and Cow
      Pink Poodle
      lil’ kinz Purple Goldfish
      Pink and White Cat
      Golden Retriever
      Polar Bear
      Rainbow Zebra
      lil’ kinz frog
      Winter Fawn
      Grey Owl
      Pinto Horse
      Himalayan Cat
      White Terrier
      Grape Soda Puppy
      New:Tie-Dye Pony
      New:Snowflake Pup (limited time Christmas pet)

    5. #679156

      Dogfish/ Chloe can you send me some more fridges?

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