Unlimited PSF's for trade!!!

Home Forums Pets – Archives Unlimited PSF's for trade!!!

This topic contains 139 replies, has 34 voices, and was last updated by  sarahbearagirl7 12 years ago.

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  • #663732

    Hey, Frog! That’s amazing, almost every Webkinz?

    Do you happen to have the…
    Rockerz Cow
    Rockerz Monkey
    Rockerz Papillion
    Candy Apple Camel

    If so, I’d like to know what you’d want for their PSFs! :D Thanks!

    1. #664074

      christinekc wrote on 2012-09-08 at 12:42 PM

      AquamarineKatsuma wrote on 2012-09-08 at 12:09 PM

      christinekc wrote on 2012-09-08 at 11:36 AM

      guest112232 wrote on 2012-09-08 at 11:11 AM

      christinekc wrote on 2012-09-08 at 07:01 AM

      fanofthefrog7 wrote on 2012-09-07 at 10:55 PM
      I have almost every webkinz so I can get you almost any food! I can also get love puppy food and I have one cheeky cat food.

      I have mystical panda. Need it?

      Hi Omb I need the mystical panda psf

      Hi guest, just reminding you we were working out a trade…. I had already sent my part……plz send urs! If you don’t like the trade just simply send the items back. Send to christinekc.

      Hey christinekc! i’d love the mystical panda food! i can offer in return the zodiac Sagittarius buck food, or the candykinz jellyfish guppies, or both! PLMK!
      PS… is the bed for trade? :P

      Sorry the bed isn’t up for trade….. but the Psf is. I can give you one, but you can get another one or the rockerz cow, sig golden retriever, or sig ragdoll cat if you have an item on the list below. One bonus psf per item!
      same goes for you as it does for aqua.
      List :
      Pixie Puck cookie
      Cloud crisp cookie
      Icicle icing cupcake
      Fearsome fang gummies
      Gummy spiders
      Marshmallow bunnies (maybe)
      Phantom pop
      Holiday fruitcake

      Hi i have a pixie puck cookie! LMK what you wanna do! I also have a ragdoll cat psf!!

    2. #664072


      I have these psf for trade:
      mystical mouse psf (unlimited)
      moon fox psf (unlimited)
      sweet tooth tiger psf (only two)

      LMK if you need these and what you can offer! thx!

      SW :)

    3. #664057

      i need bithstone and zodiac. do u want me to list my PSF?

    4. #664035

      sarahbearagirl7 wrote on 2012-09-08 at 11:22 AM

      DancingEggplant wrote on 2012-09-07 at 11:54 PM
      Hey, Frog! That’s amazing, almost every Webkinz?
      Do you happen to have the…
      Rockerz Cow
      Rockerz Monkey
      Rockerz Papillion
      Candy Apple Camel
      If so, I’d like to know what you’d want for their PSFs! :D Thanks!

      I have Rockerz Cow

      You do?! What would you like for one of your Rockerz Cow PSFs? :D

    5. #664034

      fanofthefrog7 wrote on 2012-09-08 at 01:23 AM

      Sorry but i don’t have those. I might be getting some of those Rockerz soon though! I’ll let you know. Need anything else?
      Sorry, I don’t have the griffin. I have all the birthstone dogs and have a few zodiac and other random pets. Just the PSF’s for trade though.
      I don’t have many of the new webkinz foods but i have a few. I have most dogs, cats, and frog foods including a cheeky cat PSF! I’ve got most of the horses and geckos also. Then a bunch of random pets. PLMK if you need any of these.

      That’s okay, thanks! :D

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