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This topic contains 5,584 replies, has 132 voices, and was last updated by  webkinzfun7478 5 months, 1 week ago.

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  • #858317

    Key Master
    1. #901180

      Ganz can you please message me why your not making any signatures anymore I mean I would really like a signature black wolf. I only have 8 signatures and at least 40-50 webkinz. I get webkinz like every 2-3 months and I really want more signatures. So can you please message me why your not making anymore signatures.

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      • #1812178


        Alrighty, here’s the “Character Ideas and Traits Discussion Thread” for me and @ilovemoonie!
        Hope you don’t mind me posting this here, ‘moonie! ‘^^
        Anyhoo, basically, we can use this thread to talk about any character traits and ideas that we’ve come up with, whether we’ve already talked about them at the park, or haven’t even mentioned them yet :) Honestly anything about our characters (or possible future characters) can go here– I really don’t mind what, haha XD :

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        • #1812318


          Ehh, well, while I’m here, I’ll just go ahead and post some of the ideas we came up with for Clint yesterday XD (don’t wanna forget! 0_0):
          -It’s official: Clint’s gonna be afraid of VeggieTales >:D (In particular, the cucumber guy XD Wasn’t his name “Larry”, or something…?) Honestly that is just such a great idea X’D Thanks for coming up with it! ;D
          -Also I decided that Clint is definitely going to love pegasi (including his Pegasus plush, Cookie Custard Pie), and hope to further develop that backstory I told ya about :)
          -Oh, and of course, Clint is gonna love My Little Pony now XDDD
          Additionally, I loved the hilarious ideas we came up with for Loki and Clint :,D Honestly I think that was one of the funniest park chats we’ve ever had! XD
          While I’m at it, I may as well post those, too, in case we ever decide to use them for something ;) :
          -Clint and Loki starting/participating in a My Little Pony fan club…

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          • #1812324


            … -That one glitter dancing dream based off of the second Lego Movie why do I want to draw a picture of this XD
            -Clint and Loki in Hogwarts dream
            -That crazy dream where Loki and Clint find out they’re long-lost brothers XDD
            -Clint and Loki’s excuses regarding MLP
            -And let’s not forget one of the best ones: Clint and Loki giving your Bucky that horrifying robotic teddy bear that can talk and likes hugging X,D I seriously laughed so hard when we came up with this yesterday pfffft :,D I think this has to be one of our best ideas ever!! XDDD
            (Oh, and didn’t we also come up with some stuff for Thursday the unicorn? I kinda forgot, ahah =P )
            Anyway, just thought I’d post this ;) Man, we come up with some really good stuff at park chats, eh? XD

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      • #1812180


        Also, here is the “Character Simulator!” So, here, we can experiment with character interactions (ex. see how two of our newer characters would interact with each other if they’ve never been in an actual roleplay before) or start “mini roleplays” in which a few of our kinz do something for several rounds… so it would still count as roleplaying, but just on a much smaller scale (i.e. shorter replies, shorter and less-complicated plots, fewer characters, less planning, etc… if that makes sense? Lemme know if I need to clarify! ‘^^ ) We could even have several going on at once, if you’d ever want?
        So uh, yup XD Hope to use this, sometime! ;) We can talk about possible ideas in the above thread and stuff ^w^

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    2. #901179

      Can Ganz please make the Webkinz Signature Black Wolf. I know your not making signatures anymore but pleaaaase pretty much everyone wants a Signature Black Wolf

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    3. #898043

      Hey Gennelle I was wondering if the Mystical Purple Hedgehog was released already. I have been saving my estore points to get it, but my account expires today. I would really love to get this pet thanks :)

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      • #903772


        @MidnightFireflies15, yes, the Mystical Purple Hedgehog has been released. :) It is sold with eStore points. :)

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    4. #888879


      Gennelle, I was wondering how a specific pet is selected for Pet of the Month. What is the selection process or criteria for selecting which webkinz will be featured as Pet of the Month. I am curious and am sure that others would like to know the thought process that goes into the selections for Pet of the Month. Thank-you! ♪♫ LadyBeauty ♪♫

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      • #921380


        hey! Gennelle! LadyBeauty’s idea would make a great news article. she’s asking what the process is for selecting which pet will be featured as Pet of the Month. good question!

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    5. #888498

      Will signatures EVER come back?! ;-;

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      • #903769


        I’m afraid Ganz doesn’t seem to have it planned at the moment, love. Sorry! :(

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      • #921379


        i’m pretty sure there’s no plan to bring signatures back right now, but if everyone keeps asking . . . maybe they’ll do it! :D

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