Wacky Hot Air Balloon For Trade

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Wacky Hot Air Balloon For Trade

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Atomton 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #837219

    Hi I have a wacky zingoz hot air balloon in my dock that I’d really like to get rid of, so if anyone wants it, make your offer below.

    1. #846733


      I have one too if you want it!

    2. #837950

      ok, well let’s see, my Christmas break is like Dec. 20-Jan 2 I think. I miss long breaks like summer break! :(

    3. #837771


      I am usually on Webkinz everyday but on Schooldays not until late about 9 KT. How about over Christmas Break which starts for me the 23 and goes to January 6th last day. I am not busy then because then all my big tests are over! I would love to see your house too. I am on Weekends ususally, or on for a very brief amount of time. I will send Shelldon Plushie to you! Please check out my trade list once it posts!-Atom .

    4. #837502

      I’d love to take a sheldon plush for it! I was thinking we should get together sometime soon. When sounds good to you? I homeschool so I’m on webkinz a lot, however, I don’t see you on often. But tell me a good time, and I’ll try to be on (the only time I can’t really be on is well of course during school, and while I’m at church. which is Saturdays, from 6:30-oh 8:00 maybe in kinztime and I guess that depends on how late they release and if we stop at the bank afterwards or something) Thanks!

    5. #837352


      Hi what would you want for it? How about Shelldon Plush Toy Deluxe Vacation Island Prize extra? I would love for you to get it too if you are not deluxe. That is what DF wants, however I am trading instead of gifting. :( Well neither have a great value so we are exchanging!! That is it exchanging it! I would really like it, I have one somewhere in my garden, however I think it would look cool in my Christmas rooms. I would like to invite you over. I currently have about 192 rooms but not all of those are full! Thanks JesusismyLord and the real Jesus in heaven for blessing me with Webkinz!-Atomton

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