Want Sera and Foundation Bear Plushies

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Want Sera and Foundation Bear Plushies

This topic contains 14 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  guamgirl 11 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #727861


    Does anybody have Sera the Mermaid (from the Adventure Park) Plush or the Webkinz Foundation Plush Bear? The bear has a kind of tye dyed look to it. If you have either, or both, of these available for trade, please let me know. Thanks!

    1. #728218


      GUAM – Really?! You’d just give me your extra Sera Plush? That would be AWESOME! Are you sure there is not anything you want for it? I’ll send you something anyway. I’ll send FR. My UN is jrsnses1. Thank you so much!

      • #728863


        JRS1- Yup really, glad to help :) I got your friend’s request and sent the plush your way. Nothing needed in return, Enjoy!!!

    2. #728147


      JRS1- I have an extra Sera Plush, I’m not looking for anything for it. I’m kats2003 in WW, let me know who to expect a friend request from :)

    3. #728146


      Hi JRS1 – I have the Sera Plush Toy. Do you happen to have any of these?
      ~~~ADVENTURE PARK~~~
      Adventure Park Weather Vane
      Bean Stalk Basket
      Bean Stalk Planter
      Cloudy Scroll Display
      Framed Fiery Dragon Scale
      Crystal Treasure
      Ethereal Throne

      • #728192


        Twinkle_Toes- We must have been posting a reply to JRS1 at the same time, I don’t want to get in the way of a possible trade you might be able to make.

    4. #728105


      CRUISIN – I looked it up and there is only a Sera Plush Toy, not a bobblehead. There was a mermaid bobblehead, a different one, as part of the Jessie TV show promotion. That is probably the one you have. Thanks for checking though!

    5. #728082


      Hey JRS1~ Do you mean the Sera Bobblehead? If so, I have it for trade. I didn’t know there was a Sera Plush. Please lmk. Thanks, Cruisingal

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