Webkinz Pet Favorite Poll

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This topic contains 13 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  eberry12 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #839107

    I’m going to list some pets, and if you like them, comment the names in your comments. I’ll see if I can find out which ones of these pets are the favorites. Okay, here is the list of pets: German Shepherd, Penguin, Dachshund, Chihuahua, Skunk, Guinea Pig, Turtle, Siamese Cat, Tabby Cat, , and a Panda. If you have another general pet, (aka no “sassy skunk” or “signature *fill in the blank*) that is your favorite, put a 12# and write the name of your pet. For example: “12# Bulldog.” I’ll put these in a Other Pet category.

    1. #844416


      I really want a cotton candy puppy. I love my webkinz puppy!

    2. #842990


      12# Lambs and Bunnies

    3. #841500

      Siamese Cat

    4. #840756

      12# Samoyed Dog-they’re so cute. :)

      • #840758

        By the way, allwordstaken, do you have the original non-signature webkinz German Shepherd? I have one named Sergeant, but I didn’t adopt him because that particular pet un-adopted, is sort of worth a lot. :0 I have a few retired un-adopted webkinz( no, I do not have the original cheeky dog and/or cat: I wish I did ) that I named just for fun, and Sergeant is one of them. Another one is my webkinz black stallion/Friesian( I’m not sure how much that one is worth ) who’s name is Enzo. If you’re wondering how I got that name, look at the Ferrari logo, and you’ll know why. ;) Plus, that’s the name of a car they made: the Enzo. Another pet I have is the Penguin. It’s so cute. :) It doesn’t have a name yet, but I’m not planning on adopting it soon anyway. :) I love my bubblegum cheeky cat that I want to ( maybe ) adopt in the future. :) I think one of my favorite retired webkinz is the Samoyed Dog which I’m thinking of getting( maybe for my birth day next year ) in the future( my parents probably won’t like the fact that it has tons of fur that’ll probably come off XD ) since it’s not too pricey. I like it because Samoyeds( the real dogs especially ) are TOO ADORABLE!!! :D~SC

        • #842008

          Yes!!!!! I Love my German shepherd!!! Samoyed dogs are awesome!!! I actually have a real one. They’re sweet dogs! Ha Ha cute name for the fish :)

          • #842238

            fish? what fish???

            • #842981

              OOPS! sorry! I was looking at a different comment to reply to after I typed yours!!! Sorry!!!

            • #844552

              That’s alright. ;) Everyone makes mistakes every now and then.

    5. #839246

      12# Brown Dog

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