Webkinz Rockerz Ideas

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Webkinz Rockerz Ideas

This topic contains 59 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Snowflake Pup Queen 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #799992

    Mine are Tiger, Lizard, Elephant, Hippo, Billy Goat, Turtle, Pig, Bear, Hyena, Gorilla

    1. #811025

      XD Well learn something new everyday

      • #811851


        lol i told my dad about this and apprently he told me that brittan doesnt have a national animal?? i looked it up and it said lion in big letters, so srry if a sounded like a total air head there, if it is the national animal though, then, TAKE THAT DAD!

    2. #809998

      lol fox star a polar bear awsome *gets out notebook and writes under rockerz idea* XD but i do have a page of the ideas and oh yeah they did make a cow. and you gave me an idea of a moose XD. Now for england hmm (im British so you know) so yeah thanks foxstar and pumped for my birthday (Sept. 17)

      • #810519


        LOL well i will think about that. Brittan’s national animal is the lion but they already made a rockerz lion XD ok let me see here……………………………………………………………………….. i got nothing -.- anyways, while i did all that thinking (and this is not for brittan cause idk what animal to do for that) THEY SHOULD MAKE A ROCKER SEA GULL! it would be so rock ‘n roll, i guesse XD

    3. #809747


      I HAVE A GREAT IDEA! i dont know how many canadians are on webkinz like me, but anyways, ROCKERZ POLAR BEAR! it would be sooooo cuuuuttteeee!!!!!!! **May Starclan Light Your Path**

    4. #803194

      more ideas turtle fish sea horse cow gecko beaver

      • #809745


        They already made rockerz cow but i do love the rockerz beaver idea :)

    5. #803186

      I think that a rockerz rooster would be a good idea.

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